
Stormo, when people say im to nice, it's because they are not use to someone treating them well and someone being so kind. I know when people use me or try to take advantage of it.
My obsession with Star Wars is not an act, neither is it an exaggeration for the internet's sake. I've actually caught myself thinking "I wish Star Wars was real" :erk:
I think it has more to do with my own life being fairly boring and mundane, being so obsessed about Star Wars has an escapist element to it.
NO YUO!!!!!!!!!!!
ur ghey

More therapist:
I think it has more to do with my own life being fairly boring and mundane, being so obsessed about Star Wars has an escapist element to it.
Well, in your case it's Star Wars, in other people's case it's Star Trek, and for other people it's things like cars, sports, books, art, etcetera. Escapism isn't a bad thing, as many people try to make it out to be. Fact is, this world is boring, and people who don't have something to escape to from time to time are the ones who should be worried. I mean, why do people write or read stories? Because it lets them live in another world where things aren't boring. It's nothing to be all that worried about, even though people may disapprove or call you geeky. Everyone who's a bit normal has at least one thing that lets them escape this world for a while, in your case that just happens to be Star Wars.

Now, if you were to become so obsessed that it's affecting your life, or if you're getting trouble discerning this reality from the world that you escape to, then you have a problem. Is this the case?
Right now I'm not entirely sure if I'm in my apartment or a Star Destroyer.
Nah, in all seriousness it's not that bad. I mean, I spend most of my time watching/reading SW stuff when that time should be spent socializing, studying, or getting laid, but I think thats more a result of my aformentioned lack of motivation and insecurity. I'd be doing anything other than those things, SW just happens to be what I picked.

I really really need to get laid.
I had to.
HURR DURR u maed a funy! :D

I think thats more a result of my aformentioned lack of motivation and insecurity. I'd be doing anything other than those things, SW just happens to be what I picked.
Then Star Wars is obviously a symptom, and not the cause. Seems to me (and to you too, apparently), that you simply need to spend more time around people. So what's keeping you?
I'm terrible at meeting new people and maintaining friends. I just get really insecure and obsessed with what people think of me, and as such I don't take any chances. It's incredibly rare that I initiate social encounters with others, because if they don't want to it'd get all weird and awkward. And since I rarely make friendships with people, it's rare that someone will initiate one with me. This is particularly true with women.
The most frustrating thing is that I recognize all of this, but for some reason lack the motivation to fix anything.
I just get really insecure and obsessed with what people think of me, and as such I don't take any chances.
Hate to use a cliché, but when the water's too cold, only one thing you can do: jump in. It's scary and all, but it's much better than not taking the chance and then later beating yourself up over it. The worst that can happen is that it gets, like you say, awkward. And if that happens, so what?

We should change the thread title to "Confessions with Dr. Stormo" :D
Maybe we could if people would stop making fun of me :D
My obsession with Star Wars is not an act, neither is it an exaggeration for the internet's sake. I've actually caught myself thinking "I wish Star Wars was real" :erk:
I think it has more to do with my own life being fairly boring and mundane, being so obsessed about Star Wars has an escapist element to it.

Dude, I've wanted a light saber since I was 3 years old and to this day I dream about SW one day becoming reality, or something close to SW. So if that makes you fucked up, then I'll be fucked up right there with you.
Dude, I've wanted a light saber since I was 3 years old and to this day I dream about SW one day becoming reality, or something close to SW. So if that makes you fucked up, then I'll be fucked up right there with you.
You do know that if Star Wars ever became real, chances of us being Stormtroopers who get shot or blown up with the Death Star are about a billion to one, right? ;)