Controversial non-metal opinions


even though this post is pretty much a strawman i'll ask you to name a good metal song about *being worthless*

Uh.... Pantera? They've got plenty of songs about being an outcast that society deems worthless. Pantera takes more of a "fuck you douchebags for rejecting me, I am uberhard" stance, but Radiohead is taking a virtually identicle stance just from a slightly different perspective. In Creep they're using her rejection of him against her, guilt tripping her about it. It's a pretty harsh song if you ask me. Maybe other people see it differently, I don't know, but that's how I've seen it from day one. Examples? Living Through Me, Throes of Rejection, War Nerve/

Strawman, yeah right. Can't diffuse my argument so you ad hominem attack it. While Radiohead's genre is far away from what a lot of metalheads might like, the lyrical content certainly isn't lightyears away.
Uh.... Pantera?

uh, try again

In Creep they're using her rejection of him against her, guilt tripping her about it.

which is pathetic

Strawman, yeah right. Can't diffuse my argument so you ad hominem attack it. While Radiohead's genre is far away from what a lot of metalheads might like, the lyrical content certainly isn't lightyears away.

creep is self-deprecating teen angst nonsense, sort of thing a 13 year old girl would write in her diary. there are infinitely more mature ways of writing about alienation and/or being outcast from society. there aren't more mature ways of singing about being worthless as far as i'm aware because that is inherently immature. the best metal is totally intolerant of self-loathing, whining and other such things, it tends to be completely self-affirming in fact.

100% of all suicidal black metal...maybe? I am not sure. Being suicidal is about self-respect right? Your a fucking idiot.

suicidal black metal sucks and most BMers would agree, but nice try

And yes, a large amount of metal lyrics and disjointed and pointless.

disjointed yes, badly written yes, generic yes, but pointless? rarely
creep is self-deprecating teen angst nonsense, sort of thing a 13 year old girl would write in her diary. there are infinitely more mature ways of writing about alienation and/or being outcast from society. there aren't more mature ways of singing about being worthless as far as i'm aware because that is inherently immature. the best metal is totally intolerant of self-loathing, whining and other such things, it tends to be completely self-affirming in fact.

You must only listen to power metal then. And try to understand that angst is not restricted to teenagers alone.
You must only listen to power metal then. And try to understand that angst is not restricted to teenagers alone.

i'm death metal through and through m8. and try to understand that i didn't say "angst" but rather "teen angst". i'm a creep i'm a weirdo i wish i was special, not exactly heidegger is it
Venetian Snares sucks
Incubus and Alice in Chains are easily two of my favorite things...ever. I probably like them more than almost every metal band in the metal section of my CD colletion (which is roughly two hundred albums). At least, if nothing else, I realize how lame I am for this.

I actually like a couple of Franz Ferdinand songs.

Pelican, Isis, The Mars Volta, Godspeed You Black Emperor, The Smashing Pumpkins, and Nirvana are really good imo....

I'm sure I could go on and on about the things that make me officially a "fag" amongst metal elitists.... =]
I like stuff like Shinedowns Leave a Wisper, the first Alterbridge CD, not crazy about the second one, some Disturbed, some 3 doors down, and yes even select few Kroger songs... lol

but I havent been in that mode for along time, mostly all progressive metal for a few years now, that and old standbys and other odds and ends.