Crap posts lately?

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Were you someone else previously, or did you not post here for a long time, or some other bizarre mishap that prevents me from recognizing you?
Cryptkeeper used to recommend an absolute heap of decent-to-awesome bands, and was thus a fairly useful poster.

Stormwatch didn't die, it's just hibernation season up in Glasgow. I miss the days when he'd post as "TakinTheMusicBack" about whether Opeth were Satanists and I'd mutilate him with my impeccable dry wit.
Dodens Grav said:
Were you someone else previously, or did you not post here for a long time, or some other bizarre mishap that prevents me from recognizing you?

He's Blade Golem. I don't think he's posted that regularly on this board though, in recent times at least.
Haha, all the posters are getting lumped into categories except me. I get to take the "special" bus.

Where does anonymousnick fit into all of this?
You and nick are in my group, definitely.

Also, Blade Golem definitely rings a bell as someone that doesn't suck. Bravo at not sucking, and here's to not sucking in the future.
Nick's either "the village Muslim" or "the guy with the fish". His posts aren't ignored; merely loathed for the squeamishly high level of tolerance and Fear Factory worship found within them.
Blade Golem's cool when he's not suggesting that my (real) name is a Mexican variation of his.

Decadent's generally an above average poster. Dodens' coolness (or indeed shitness) depends on the tides, I believe.
Dodens Grav said:
Were you someone else previously, or did you not post here for a long time, or some other bizarre mishap that prevents me from recognizing you?

I was someone else previously, although I didn't post here all that often. Tended to lurk more than post. Kind of funny because no one seems to know who I was previously, or give a shit for that matter.

EDIT: Never mind, GoD explained it.
Not really, no. I don't take notice to most of his posts unless they're in a thread I'm interested in.
Gossip is fun. Nick is okay, but he has a disturbing level of diversity in musical tastes. I can't remember if Silent Song posts in this board or not. Since every single sentence he writes has to do with christianity, it shouldn't be this hard to remember.

Misfit and crimsonfloyd are usually pretty good. I wish AWMM, or whatever he changed his name to, would come back. His flaming was amusing.

The Grimace was okay, don't know what happened to him. On the whole, this place is way better than the Opeth forum, but ranks behind the philosophy forum, which is surprisingly civil.
Gallantry over Docility said:
Blade Golem's cool when he's not suggesting that my (real) name is a Mexican variation of his.

Decadent's generally an above average poster. Dodens' coolness (or indeed shitness) depends on the tides, I believe.


Don't forget suggesting that traces of your Opeth-fanboyism still remains.
Gallantry over Docility said:
Abusing the power.

Isn't that more fun when there's actually power to begin with?

To Erik and whoever else puts on a TOUGH INTERNET GUY thing when newbies make stupid posts:

How do you figure that by doing this you're doing anything but reducing yourself to something more in line with the idiots you're bashing? You'll likely just say you don't care, but that doesn't change the fact that I just completely forgot how I was going to end this sentence. Damn. Foiled again. Thanks a lot, beer!
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