Crap posts lately?

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Demilich said:
To Erik and whoever else puts on a TOUGH INTERNET GUY thing when newbies make stupid posts:

How do you figure that by doing this you're doing anything but reducing yourself to something more in line with the idiots you're bashing? You'll likely just say you don't care, but that doesn't change the fact that I just completely forgot how I was going to end this sentence. Damn. Foiled again. Thanks a lot, beer!
its the internet i dont give a shit
The Devil's Steed said:
Don't worry; no one notices when I post, either.

Well, I take that back, GoD bitches at me on MSN messenger about how evil I am, but I don't think that counts. :Smug:
That said....this thread fucking rules.

If you want to be noticed by Dodens, say you like Pantera of Opeth. Maybe even place a JPEG or two around the place.
Wait till the afternoon, that's when my alcohol gene kicks in.

So guys, why are we all so hostile here? This isn't a value judgment, just a question about the "community," such as it is. It's more of a competition than anything else, even within the little cliques we've got set up. Spout your theories.
Things have been stagnant for so long, and we all know who's going to post what, and in which threads, and suddenly newbies move in, I suspect we're just responding in a defensive manner because we're all quite accustomed to the way things are.

But blackmetaltyrant really does love the cock.
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