Crap posts lately?

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Haha. The Opeth song survivor was great. That was about when I first joined. At least there was something decent in that forum every day. I got a few rep points for my paint drawn band logos. I need to come up with a new one that fits in a 100x100 square. Nile? Darkthrone? Enslaved?
Gallantry over Docility said:
I'll be polite to Deron once he gives me the search function he promised months ago.

I hear ya on that one! Waiting for friggin VBulletin to come out of beta on the new version. So many things changed to the code, I only want to have to change things once and then "simply" be able to run upgrade scripts. Soon enough though, they're deep into beta 4.......Pee Wee.
1. What's embarrassing above all is that Mark was a better admin than Deron by a lightyear yet he did pretty much nothing when it came to moderating.

2. Barking Pumpkin or whatever the toss his name is needs to stop doing these spasticated ">_>"s. I also think he's shit.

3. BlackMetalTyrant has black skin and sucks arse, no surprises there.

4. I'm going to eat a burger then make love to Erik on irc, bye
I remember The Grimace. He was acceptable but a poster I was indifferent to except when he was talking about how "people who don't mosh are pussies."
Int said:
1. What's embarrassing above all is that Mark was a better admin than Deron by a lightyear yet he did pretty much nothing when it came to moderating.

I love posts like this. Not that I am going to cry at what your answer will be, but I would love to hear what I do so different than Mark did besides moderating more. Seeing as I talk to Mark all the time (still do, he's my friggin design partner!), we were both pretty much the same when it came to the goals of the site and what we wanted it to be. Hell, he wouldn't have handed it over if that were not the case. He just got to a point where he got tired of dealing with all the a-holes that can make running a site like this fun to enjoy and run, so he stopped working it. It takes a load of work to make everyone happy, and of course you can NEVER make EVERYone happy, so you just do what you think will fall in between somewhere as best as possible.

Let's see your list, I'm always open for (constructive) criticism. (oh boy this should get another 200 posts out of this thread!)
Constructive criticism?

1. Admins shouldn't start whining bitch threads about the "state of the board". They should lead by example.

2. It's become more needful of moderation simply because the behaviour which led to the current situation was encouraged by passivity; you allow spammers and trolls free reign (especially the shithorde you have on hand here), and what do you expect, but an insularized clubhouse full of people who "don't give a shit, it's the internet". It has nothing to do at all with the moderation - moderation is a reaction to what content is posted by the users.
Aren't your two points kinda contradictory? I posted because of your point #2. SOMEone needed to say it. I'm a fan/user of this site first, admin second. I love visiting the different forums. As a user/admin (one in the same for my post) I said what needed to be said. We have some kick ass, knowledgeable people when it comes to Metal who post in here. I'd love to see that applied more instead of what it has been the last few weeks. If you call that "whining" ... so be it.

EDIT: That should be "music" in general, not just Metal.
Well.....I think you made the thread as a concerned user of the board, and he took it more as the Admin coming down to whine.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Hott. Don't forget to post the log.
Jul 26 20:41:17 <egj> aes fucking wins
Jul 26 20:41:24 <egj> 2nd best skepto release
Jul 26 20:41:34 <{vile}> best one in my opinion
Jul 26 20:41:34 <egj> ok bye guys
Jul 26 20:41:35 <egj> for now
Jul 26 20:41:56 <Tranquillian> me is going to bed too
Jul 26 20:41:59 --- Tranquillian is now known as TQ_away
Jul 26 20:42:06 <{vile}> goodbye swedes
Jul 26 20:42:11 <Interesti> goodnight my darlings
Jul 26 20:42:27 <Interesti> I too am off to stuff my face with burger
Jul 26 20:42:44 --- Interesti is now known as int-eatinmyburger
Jul 26 20:51:00 <{vile}> I'm eating sandwich
Jul 26 20:52:39 * int-eatinmyburger sexes erik
Jul 26 20:52:59 <int-eatinmyburger> ok tasties time I got distracted by deron's abomination of a thread
Jul 26 20:54:16 <{vile}> which one?
Jul 26 20:54:20 <{vile}> link please
Jul 26 21:02:32 <egj> dont try to sex me while im resting plz
Jul 26 21:02:36 <egj> its disturbing
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