Did you have a Nu-Metal phase?

Did you have a Nu-Metal phase before you got into Metal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 50.7%
  • No

    Votes: 37 49.3%

  • Total voters
Snot was good,too.

I liked Snot at some point.

I found a video for VoD-southbound. I still really like it and have not heard it since like 2000. I was tying to find an mp3 for the song earlier and had no luck.

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Okay, I kind of take back what I said earlier. I did listen to a bit of Korn when I was 13-14. Granted, the one album they had back then was less pop-sounding than they became, and nu metal hadn't really taken shape at the time (aside from Deftones maybe), but yeah that was one of my brushes with "lesser" metal.

Haha, the truth comes out... :p

BTW, I don't really consider Deftones to be nu-metal. When I think of nu-metal, I think of drop A 7-string guitars and huge buildups.
one of my jobs involves setting up concerts at the local arena, and tool had just come through town.It was impressive, they had 8 trucks, and it was alot of gear to set up.
Also i got to watch the show for free, which was cool, but only the show,not the band itself
am I one of the only people who thinks Tool are grossly overrated?
I love Tool.
Mathiäs;6782776 said:
No. Never like em.
They sound really boring to me
Tool fucking sucks monkey cock.

I hope they get caught in the studio with thier hands down each others pants.

I fucking love Tool. But really, if you don't like them, it's cool. It's like Opeth; you love them or you don't.