Dio Tribute on line... apparently


"Rip" was already taken
Sep 5, 2008
I checked out Backstage Metal page and what do you know - Dio Tribute is on line. The old thread has been closed and I don't think I missed a new one so it seems it went on line in a rather quiet way. So... everybody... get this on your facebook pages and stuff... I don't think we need to be this shy about making an album.


I love how the artwork was done. Great Job.

Also my compliments to Children Of The Sea team... It's an amazing cover and my personal favorite from this album. Just... wow : )
We tried getting a hold of everyone involved int he original thread, then we moved to the Backstage Metal forum and everyone involved was told we were moving there. If you were omitted from a performance it was because when we asked WHO ALL PERFORMED ON WHAT you never answered the question.....

THIS is why I asked you guys from the beginning to move it to the Backstage Metal forum, and only a handful of the people involved actually showed up there. Unfortunately its been released for some time, and changing things now while not impossible is tough. If you would like credit talk to Sarj and have him redo the print on the back cover.

Nobody here on this forum really cared that we were doing it other then those involved.

If you are interested in working on future projects then join the Backstage Metal Forum so you get the news when it happend.

Owner BackStage Metal
Jason, it seems that Backstage Forum is empty (almost 0 posts everywhere). I didn't know there was any activity there. If it's just hidden for unregistered users I think it's a mistake, because that's what discouraged me from registering.

Shit, so I really DID missed the thread... I even did a Sneap Search before posting but I didn't found it. Sorry. Thanks Executioner213

I see I was not mentioned for performing grandpas guitars on "Children Of The Sea"....hmm...


Dude ... I never even noticed that before. I'm gonna make another post on my Facebook to include your name. I suggest everyone else do the same and Jay can you please add an addendum on the BSM page to give him his proper credit?

I'm really sorry you were not on the list man, you performed those acoustics brilliantly and it was a major factor in how I re-arranged the song
Ok everyone ... bump and share or whatever your postings for the Dio tribute on your Facebook / Myspace / whatever pages and be sure to mention that Kevin George performed the acoustics on "Children of the Sea"
We tried getting a hold of everyone involved int he original thread, then we moved to the Backstage Metal forum and everyone involved was told we were moving there. If you were omitted from a performance it was because when we asked WHO ALL PERFORMED ON WHAT you never answered the question.....

THIS is why I asked you guys from the beginning to move it to the Backstage Metal forum, and only a handful of the people involved actually showed up there. Unfortunately its been released for some time, and changing things now while not impossible is tough. If you would like credit talk to Sarj and have him redo the print on the back cover.

Nobody here on this forum really cared that we were doing it other then those involved.

If you are interested in working on future projects then join the Backstage Metal Forum so you get the news when it happend.

Owner BackStage Metal

I never was contacted on it. I searched and searched, on and off, for several months and never saw anything but one post asking for real names to give credit to. I even searched quite a few times to find out progress on it...after finding little to nothing, I believe (IIRC) I asked and got an answer like I was a dumbshit who didn't try to look any of it up first. *sigh* Maybe it's just my luck.

I found this within minutes of seeing this post and finding the error: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/andy-sneap/594662-sneap-forum-dio-tribute-album-thread.html
I have to admit, I looked to see if I got replaced or something.

Also: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/andy-sneap/594944-dio-tribute-children-sea-song-discussion.html

I never saw anything anywhere else, even after scouring the official thread. Not saying it's not there, just saying I didn't ever see anything.

I will join the backstage forum so I can stay in the loop from here on forward.

Ok everyone ... bump and share or whatever your postings for the Dio tribute on your Facebook / Myspace / whatever pages and be sure to mention that Kevin George performed the acoustics on "Children of the Sea"

Thanks, Carlos!