Dio Tribute "Gates of Babylon" Song Discussion

I've decided to turn the tragedy of family death into an opportunity to fix a couple of notes that were irritating the crap outta me, and record a couple of harmony parts to make for a bit more "epic-ness".


Oh, and for anybody who wants a peek at what I was doing, here's my crappy little mix with the impulses that I tracked with. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10996261/GatesofBabylonSolo.mp3
I have no problem at all with you taking the extra time ... I read it would be something like 3 weeks before all this could be mastered anyway. Very sorry for your loss man

also to Travis and Dan. Sorry to hear about your pop Dan, didn't know .. lo siento mucho
I think the guitars are not very powerful at all, they need to come up a little bit and the vocals need to come DOWN ... they are way too loud and not sounding like part of the mix at all ... they sound more like a karaoke version, sitting on top of everything and really separated from the music.

That being said, the actual singing is really great and the guitar solo is tasteful and very well performed ... great job on that Travis!
I was thinking the same about the guitars, they need more power I think they are sounding too vintage compared to the whole mix. But everything else is sounding great.

And I agree, vocals are loud.
vocals still seem to be sitting on top of the mix to me ... guitars sound a little better though.

Just the vocals that still bother me a bit ... maybe make them a little wetter? Some more delay & verb maybe?

EDIT: I should also say that this could all be a matter of personal taste with the vocals. That being said, what's your vocal chain?
The mix is sounding great, But still I think that everything sounds modern and the guitars are vintage, like if the original-arrangement approach to te song was only applied to the guitars. It feels strange too me, but maybe it's a matter of taste.

If the guitars stay like they are, I have no problem with that. but the vocals are really loud.

I'm trying to give positive feedback not just criticize, I know this song is cursed and you have past trough a lot of things lately, so thanks for your time and everything
I would like to hear opinion of other ppl who participate on this project.I'm using standard chain:EQ,Compress,Delay,Reverb

well, just offering a little help if you seem to get stuck on the vox. I'd be more than happy to just take a stereo wave of the music with no vox and then all the separate vocal tracks to try getting them to sit better with everything

I'm sure you'll get it if you keep messing with it but just in case my offer is there
Guys I appreciate your time and your feedback,I'll do everything possible to make it sound best.Skinny don't get me wrong...I wanted to say that the project is near the end and I think that everyone should help eachother to pull max of their songs not to talk only three of us.I'll try different reverb and soon as I export something I'll post.I tweak the vox 2/3 days and soon as I finish with vox and we decide that they're ok I'll move on guitars to make them even better that they are.Cheers!
Intro synth is too dry. Add some delay, reverb and a bit more delay
Guitars has way too much mids, suck out some 600hz and see if gets better. It's a bit undergained too, but I get what you're going for. Maybe try a clean boost before the amp? That tends to add that nice compression without adding too much distortion, but I think you use a vst so I'm not sure if this applies.
Vocals are just a little too dry.
Synths on the "...you must paaaaaaaay" are too loud. Lower them and make the vocal harmonies louder instead, those are too cool to be left so quiet. I'll add that all vocal harmonies are generally to quiet.
Solo could use more delay and reverb too.

To sum it up the mix is generally too dry for my taste. I think everything will blend better with more delays and reverb. Especially when you've added delay and reverb to that synth!