Dio Tribute "We're Stars" Song Discussion

Paulie please do a better recording, I need to hear the Dokken/Shortino lines properly.

I'll definately record it better, I just wanted to make sure I could hit the notes before I committed to it haha.

Also, all my mics are cheapy dynamics and such.. so I do the best with what I have if you guys want em' by the end of this weekend, but I'm going to be investing in a decent condenser next weekend, so if you guys would like to wait I can do my solos first :D (this would be my preference)..

Hey guys,
tried my hand at this one....but I'm afraid I just can't hit those high notes properly and I don't want it to sound like ass. Guess the key just ain't right for me, so I guess I'd better pass. There are times when one has to accept reality and recognise his limits.
Sorry, hope I haven't let you down....:(
It's all good Joe, thank you so much for trying :)

I contacted Felix (Stand Up And Shout) to ask if he's interested. Worst case scenario, I'll split the Dio/DuBrow lines between me and Max.
MORTON WHERE THE FUCK IS THE HALFORD / TATE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need something to FAP to!

Sorry for being away for a couple of days. I'll do the Stars vox tomorrow. I'm rehearsing massively during weekend and recording demands fresh voice.
And I'm still working hard on We Rock - a bloody challenge.
Anyway, I won't make you wait for too long. I'll do my best to do it FAPPABLE:loco:

Paulie: If you can borrow a Beta 58, it might be great for mixing. Anyway, what mikes have you got? Maybe even borrowing some LCD might work fine.
Paulie: If you can borrow a Beta 58, it might be great for mixing. Anyway, what mikes have you got? Maybe even borrowing some LCD might work fine.

At my apartment I have pretty much nothing.. couple of cheapy CAD mics, a mixer, my amp, and my pc... I have a couple buds that have good stuff I might be able to borrow if they don't have a project going this weekend...

Honestly I pretty much stopped recorded for about a year and half and gradually sold off most of my stuff, which was fuckin stupid but I need the money at the time..

And so now.. I'm really missing my 57s and my Laney head :(

Anyways, I should atleast have a 57 or 58 this weekend, but if it doesn't work out I'm buying either a 57 or condenser next weekend (when I get paid)

Maybe even borrowing some LCD might work fine.
I read that as LSD and thought "yeah that makes perfect sense!" lol!

Paulie why don't you just track your lines at your friend's studio? If he won't charge you of course, not that I suggest you pay for studio time!

Have you recorded vocals before? I just want to hear what you sound like when properly recorded.
Recording clean vocals has always been my downfall :(

As I've mainly done death/metal/hardcore bands and such.. and don't have a whole lot of experience with actually recording singing, plus I hate my own voice so I don't pony up to the mic alot you know..

This is pretty much the first time(besides the we rock demo I did) I've actually offered to sing on anything (felt it was about time). It's not that I feel like I can't sing, but since I've never really recorded clean vocals I just don't offer to, you know?

Gonna work on my solos tomorrow, They'll be DIs if Jason's good with that.

Figured out something with my vocal track.. I accidentally inserted a weird eq I used on a track a while back, which was probably the main part of the problem.. I'll give it another shot (eat the mic a little more) and upload a new test tomorrow night..

I'll probably still need a diff mic though, waiting on my friend to call me back with his schedule for the weekend.

Paulie your 57 should be fine, just add a pop filter and get up on the mic pretty close about 5 to 6 inches from it but no more. If you dont have a pop filter get a wire hanger and go buy some pantyhose, I did that for years and it works perfect!
We need to get moving on this guys. I am putting a deadline on part submissions for everyones parts on the 23rd. Anyone who hasnt submitted by then misses out. Sorry I got to be this way but I dont see any forward progress on vocals on this. Looks like I will be laying the bass on this as well.
still working on it... what was the delay length you used on your vox Superfreak?
