Do your parents like Bodom?

judging by the empty looking alcoholic bottles in the background, you got her drunk, then dared her to do it, and then took a picture to slam in her face wen she awoke with a hang over the next morning.....rite?

either that or ur mums fucking awesome.

nah, she just wears my old shirts when she's at home... she doesn't like bodom :( but she does like some finnish folk metal...
My bro listen to it (his favourite is Needled 24/7 :kickass:), my mom doesn't like the screamy vocals but she likes the melodic strum on songs like Bed of Razors and my dad doesn't like metal music at all, because of the aggressive stance of the songs.. :goggly:
My mom say they are skillfull musician, but she hates the vocals.
My dad lock himself in his room saying his ears are bleeding when he hear CoB lol.
Well I had my mom listen to it once, she didnt really like it. stating that she simply cant hear the rythyms or somethings. but she doesnt give a **** about what i listen to. My dad kinda digs it though. he thinks the musical part is absolutely awesome. and he's learned to live with the vocals.
My dad doesn't care about music, everything is good to him (except rap) and my mother can't listen to Cob at all.

But here's something that is fucking wierd:

2 emos friends of mine (a boy and a girl, both techno listeners) have parents who litteraly adore COB, both mothers and fathers.
On each sides, one of their parents plays some COB' songs on guitar (the girl's mother and the boy's father). The emo boy's sister plays some COB pretty well, too...

Maybe I'm going on off topic, but, I mean, wtf?

Sorry for the crappy ass English.
While my parents don't exactly know what I listen to, they have heard Bodom playing when they sometimes pass by my room. They get curious and ask who it is and I say, "it's Children of Bodom". Of course their reply is, "Oh, never heard of them". My father/mother grew up with more of Spanish music and other type of soft rock. He told me, “After hearing Kiss, everything else was too much for him”. Which is pretty funny now, considering how there’s so many heavy bands now. But for the most part, I guess they are neutral about it.
My dad is definately not down with Bodom. If it's not christian he wont listen to it. My mom on the other hand likes them. She's never been to a Bodom show but I took her to see Sonata Arctica, which is like her favorite band. One day I will convince her to come to a show to see them. She's afraid that she will get "caught in a mosh" :lol:
well my dad likes 'old-school' rock, my mom prefers jazz and blues.
nevertheless they can listen to it. when me and my ex-boyfriend (who is real laiho-wannabe xD) were in finland we asked my parents if they could play bodom cd in our car.. they let :D and my dad liked it, he thinks that they are great musicians, but he doesent like the vocals. i guess it's the problem of almost all parents :D
my mom likes Norther more than COB :D
Well, i use headphones, and my parents dont have to listen to them. But they`ve head my music genre, and they have nothing against it. To make things ever worse my mom listened to Cradle of Filth - Her ghost in the fog, and said that its pretty cool
Well, both of my parents are huge metal heads. My mother is the hugest Megadeth and Ozzy fan I've ever met in my life, my dad as well. He met Dave Mustaine twice and brags constantly. :rolleyes:

My mom LOVES the music, but doesn't care too much for the vocals. She said one time: "They need to play their instruments and shut the fuck up." She still tolerates them though.
My dad hasn't heard much, but from the stuff he has heard he has the same feelings as my mom. He likes the vocals a bit more, though.
hahaha, my mom wondered what i was watching when she heard jaska's drum solo on chaos ridden years. she said it was good but that they play too fast and make her head hurt.
but wow, thats a compliment coming from my mom.
im glad my parents don't speak fluent english; they'd FREAK if they knew what cob lyrics said or how much they drink.
my parents aren't really into drinking or smoking or anything.
Well... to be honest... i dont even think my parents know how much metal i listen to. I think they think i only listen to a couple of songs... I would like to keep it that way. Mum hates anything louder then Wolfmother and DaD... well hes a bluegrass fan... *shudders*
How did you do it??? For i must learn how... It sucks only being able to play the good music on my ipod... I have a whatsy-booster thing and lots of speakers which i cant use the way i want cause mum hates what little she thinks i like of the metal... If only she knew... Anyway. original question HOW DID YoU DO IT!
How did you do it??? For i must learn how... It sucks only being able to play the good music on my ipod... I have a whatsy-booster thing and lots of speakers which i cant use the way i want cause mum hates what little she thinks i like of the metal... If only she knew... Anyway. original question HOW DID YoU DO IT!

I just kept playing it around her. basically just putting down her throat, and then she started liking it eventually.:lol: