Do your parents like Bodom?

To me it means... Keep playing it and she'll eventually will either have to
a) start to like it
b) completely flip and assign herself to the local nut housee
In my mums case she'll have to do a.... the nut house was closed today.
My dad doesnt like rock in general (he is 75), he is more into samba, bossa nova stuff, he says the durms are to mechanical (go figure oO ?! he is a former jazz drummer)... and my mom doenst really like the screaming but she let me put the cd on when we are in the car. She likes lacuna coil and nightwish (she loves nemo oO)... but inst like she listens to that when shes alone =)
thanx god I live with my friends and they also like heavy metal, so i cant listen to bodom alll day long ^^v
Well, I know my dad and mom were huge with classic rock, but I'm not sure if my dad was into much metal [he died when I was real little so yeah]. My mom hates metal, only because of the vocals, yet she loves the instrumental part of it. She actually came with me to Gigantour and loved it except for the vocals, of course I was in the pit and she wasn't, haha.

She'll let me listen to them in the car but not too much.
the 1st time my mum saw me playin cob dvd she was like

"that kid (pointin at alexi) is quite handsome but short. the bassist's got a fine physique" :lol:

im sure she appreciates their talent & for my dad, he can take all music genres except hip hop xD
earlier today i was talkin to mum about how my friend want me to go to the syd concert with her (even though ive only been listening to COB for a month or 2 and am only now just getting really into it) so mum turned around and said "Oh well if she does get the tickets i want to listen to their music to make sure its appropriate for you"... I invite you all to my funeral... please make sure they sing "ding dong the witch is dead"
my mom thinks alexi is cute so listens to the music to hear his voice, and my dad like the more melodical stuff not the harder stuff
Wow... sounds fun... All i need to do now is fix a couple of my speakers and i should be set attempt to make mum a fan.... Does anyone here know how speakers work????

u want the whole mechanism or wt?
basically speakers work by electromagnetism
a speaker contains a short coil, which is free to move inside a cylindrical permanent magnet. the wire in the coil is at right angels to the magnetic field. an a.c. passes through the coil, the current flows backwards n forwards, the coil is pushed in n out. this makes the cone vibrate n give out sound waves.
uhuh... i think the wire that attaches them to the main speaker thingi are loose, so i think in the end i'll just take them apart and re-attatch the wires... If that dosnt work i'll just hijack mums speaker system.
My parents like Bodom pretty much, but mom doesn't like the name or the lyrics, 'cause she and my dad lived near Lake Bodom, but that was in 1993-1996 so the terror wasn't then... They just don't like when I talk about those things... Mom and dad likes the music, but mom likes H.I.M. much much more... But I can say that, yes, they like Children of Bodom
You guys are all fucking lucky, just remember there's people like me :(
My WHOLE family, (Cousins, aunties, uncles, brother, grandparents etc) all call it "mosher music" and think that long hair is gay, and that wearing black shirts with jeans makes you a big "mosher" who will end up wearing make-up etc. Basically they think everyone into metal likes black metal.
So yeah about concerts.. What concerts? My parents wouldn't take me to a show outside Dundee if I payed them the petrol and more.
And CD's being played in the car? UN FUCKING LIKELY.
My parents didn't know who Slash was.. They won't talk about metal, think about metal or anything like that.
My brother is a DJ, who plays dance music and looks likely he'll get a career out of it eventually, he HATES metal - yet all his friends who come round all LOVE it when I play metal covers on guitar.
Life sucks.
I don't think my parents know who they are but they ignore alot of music i listen too (though my mum likes Lacuna coil :D)
But my dad did like the blooddrunk picture disc i got signed ...his a collects and sometimes sells records so he was like 'oooh must get this framed/be worth something someday' lol..crazy dude.