Do your parents like Bodom?

My father is ok with CoB and metal in general, he listens to the starting Bands like Zepelin and Black sabbath and stuff, so he is a bit more into this stuff. he likes a couple of songs. my mother only dislikes it because "this guys is yelling at me" ^^ but they both like death metal like Amon amarth. I think I can be pretty lucky with them. but my father always steals my beer when Im hangin around with my friends, thats a bot annoying.
Dude, my dad's the one who got me into metal in the first place he had a couple of System of a Down cds and eventually I started to listen to COB and yes we both like them but my mom's a classical freak she only listens to whatever was all the rage in the 20th century except for 70s and more recent.
i could show my dad the solo to kissing the shadows and he would say "he still ain't no Jimi hendrix""

+1 ,great man

My parents would rape me if they heard what I listen to >_< I turn it down if they are in the house or near my PC/Stereo

now that im 16...and listen to all of this...if my parents found out that THIS is what i listen to...they would simply KICK MY FUCKING ASS out of the house....

My parents told me that they will break all my CDs if they looked at me listening to that music again!!! My father said, people start listening that music and at the end they kill their parents!! Of course now...I listen COB everyday!

No, they do not. My father said it sounded like my mom when she was pissed (Blooddrunk album). That was in jest, of course.

But no, they do not like it. But I'm slowly breaking them in, into the world of metal... they atleast accept it.
both my parents hate them =p ther into shit like the beatles and van morrison =p I playd my dad Blooddrunk in the car, and he hated it, and my mum can't stand any music with screaming =p
My father dont like children of bodom but he preffer things like Rush,Pinkfloyd,Van Halen,Linkin Park and my mom hates them
My father is very open and will like any song to he's taste he likes Priest and Metallica for exemple(I'm talking old Metallica) he actually took my Bloodrunk CD when i played it for him. the new Septic Flesh in the other hand he never wants to hear again.
my moms dont like metal at all and me my dad and uncle are all metal. i think my dad likes them i know he would rather lisen to cob then other bands
i also like rush van halen def leppard(these bands were menchined in the post when people were talking about what there parents lisen to) and i also like cob.
My dad doesn't get the name. "Children Of Godom?" "Children Of Badom?". He doesn't like vocals like that. And my mom was like "Uhm, nice :erk:" when she heard "Kissing The Shadows".
My dad doesn't get the name. "Children Of Godom?" "Children Of Badom?". He doesn't like vocals like that. And my mom was like "Uhm, nice :erk:" when she heard "Kissing The Shadows".
My fathee always says: Children Of THE Bodom. And their Britney Spears cover is Oops I didn't again...:Smug:
nah my parents neva liked them, n i think theyl neva like them.

ne way who cares.. i like them n thats all
both my parents hate them =p ther into shit like the beatles and van morrison =p I playd my dad Blooddrunk in the car, and he hated it, and my mum can't stand any music with screaming =p

Same here I played Needled 24/7 and my father didnt seemed to enjoy it so after the song he played some the beatles stuff xDD
My dad was the one who got me into music, with stuff like AC/DC... Then I picked up guitar around 10 yrs old, etc, etc. Fast forward I'm into heavier music around age 14 or something. Now he prefers this stuff to "his old music", because he says there's a lot more energy in it, haha. He thought Bodom was the best at gigantour and made fun of JFAC on the ride home. But yeah, his favourite band is Amon Amarth I think.. My mom isn't into any of the heavier music at all, but doesn't hate it afaik. She has acknowledged a few times that you can really hear a lot more musical skill in it though. It's funny with my dad though because he doesn't look the look, and he's a teacher. So his students are always quite confused about him listening to the stuff I mentioned.
They bought me Cob's CD as xmas gift (they didn't know that band but i told i want it) and now they hate that day >< Sooo... i think they dont like, atleast my dad screams if i play bodom with guitar too loud xD