Do your parents like Bodom?

They like the music, they just think the screamo ruins it.
Though mum likes rammstein, go figure :)
Im sure they would have been amazed by the riffage.
lucky you...

My mum only tries to take me to church...

Cleanse her with the power of Satan!!!

Same. My dad is an absolute champ, he took me (14 yrs old) and my brother (12 yrs old) to the Bodom Sydney concert, despite the fact that it was a school night (He's the director of students at the school we go to...)

Gotta love fathers.

That is pure awesomeness right there, lucky you. :)

I let my dad listen to some Bodom the other day, surprisingly he liked it.
Mum on the other hand still says she hates Bodom... But a month ago i found my FTR cd in the computer and the last time i had it was when i took it out of my CD player in my room and put it on my bedside drawer... So i have suspicions she may secretly like it... Oh yer that and when im playing Bodom she doesnt tell me to turn it down, but when its other metal bands she tells me to turn it down.


My mother also hates the music. For her that is no music in anyway, just stupid screaming around. I can't understand her, and she also can't understand me and my music taste.

She don't have an advanced music taste, like you do. :)

My parents are pretty religious and all - so I only manage to listen to metal through my iPod. They don't mind me listening to it - as long as I don't make THEM listen to it, and vice versa. Guess its an agreeable arrangement.

You must cleanse your parents with the power of shredd:notworthy

My mum hates it. she likes the older stuff like Guns and Roses (which i hate!!!)
and she closes my door everytime i put Bodom or any metal song on.

That sux0rs!

About me, whenever my mom hears Bodom she always mention Nina Hagen. Dunno who the fuck that is:erk:

...My dad likes the music and understands what skill it takes to play that genre of metal. Since our appartment is pretty cramped, he is forced to listen to what I'm listening to, plus all that guitar I play:lol:

Force liking of metal:kickass:
Update: My parents now think that my music is a bad influence on my siblings (sadasses). All they do now is copy me - no individuality, thats why I fucking hate kids. I'm getting the cold shoulder until I stop listening to metal, since (according to them) its made me a "bad" person. BS.

"I don't give a flying fuck, motherfucker!"
Unfortunately my parents hate havey metal and my dad hates havey metaller...(i think they hate it not for the music,but for the screams)

I'm sure if i weren't his soon...he woud have killed me:lol:
They also think that the music i listen to is a bad influency...i'm fed up -.-

My mother likes instead some blind guardian's songs...or BTW metal calmest songs
Dude, there is a difference between heavy metal and death metal ...
Heavy metal: Iron maiden, motley crue, Judas priest, KISS etc

You dont know how many people between the age of 35 and 45 used to listen to that kinda music.

Every time i wear older bandshirts some adults start to talk to me about that period (mostly in shame), but just to give you some example:
- My boss (owner of a big mall), likes iron maiden and used to be a drummer in a band.
- Teacher, used to be a singer a band that did covers of kiss/europe/etc.
- The father of my girlfriend, he has a bunch of judas priest vinyls in his closet.
- Father of friend showed me pictures of him and his friends having their faces painted like KISS.

Death metal is noise indeed, but its some damn good noise :)

But anyway, back ontopic:

I usually dont disturb my parents with my music, especially if its death metal etc. They dont like it, i think.
But since i'm a big fan of 80's metal and i play that a lot, they sometimes ask me what song im playing (on guitar) cause they recognize it.
My parents listen Deep purple , Steve Vai , Guns n'roses , Queen and something like that but when I put COB he says that are all time screaming :P he prefers Judas , accept or manowar.
If I ever played Bodom for my mother, she would probably try to take possession of my laptop, my iPod, and all my CD's, while saying she needed to purge the devil from me. As it is, she can barely stand it when I play stuff for her like Lacuna Coil and Staind, and she makes faces every time I mention that I'm listening to Christian metal. My mom only listens to classical and LITE Christian rock. I don't mind the classical, but the Christian rock is so emo it makes me want to break furniture.

As for my dad, he only really likes more mellow classic rock stuff, like The Doors and Pink Floyd. I tried to play some Metallica and Maiden for him once, but he only got through one song of each before telling me he'd had enough. I'm sure he'd get nowhere with Bodom.

Tis a shame that the elder generation can't appreciate this stuff or acknowledge it as great music.
Just feel like telling that after all the years that went by, my parents STILL do not like Children of Bodom... and all of metal anyway.

Yay, I love when they hate the music I listen to. :D *jokes*
Haha, nooo, trust me, he was all the time... it's hard to stand for him. :lol:

Anywayz... ahhh, who cares if they don't like the music I love. It's my own taste, not theirs, and as long as I listen to something I like and and makes me feel good, then there's no problem. :)
100% agreed! And I still feel sorry for him, since he had two "metalheads" around him, maybe he wanted us both to rawk out to The Beatles, instead. :p
FFS Ensi, you might be joking and it's fine, but don't make things appear in a way they are not: <-Warheart-> and I don't often post together this way, AND I seldom post on the forums anyway.

Now people go back to topic, thanks. I had said my words about the OnTopic matter, so let it continue with other people's opinion. :)