Do your parents like Bodom?

i wish my parents listened to it...then they wouldnt be bothering me all the time to turn it dad seems a bit disappointed that i listen to Bodom...i think he would prefer it if i listened to things like The Beatles or The Beach Boys...

I mean, the Beatles are all fine and dandy...but i really cant get too into that...I want something I can headbang too (i.e. Children of Bodom)

My girlfriend's dad likes that kind of music tho, so we get along quite well :D
Dad = Pink Floyd (especially a David Gilmour fanboi), Toto, Old Offspring and more stuff I don't really care about that much.
Mom = too random to say she has a certain ''taste''.
My mum doesn't like CoB, she only get a headache when she must listen to them ^^ But my dad is cool with them, he would stil prefer something like Blind Guardian, Iced Earth or other Power / Heavy metal bands.
First time I introduced my Dad to Bodom he put Tokyo Warhearts on his Stereo full blast
and when Alexi shouts "We are Children of Bodom, and we come from Fucking Finland" and all his ornaments started vibrating and falling out of this cabinet.

But my dad has a strange music taste, Mozart, Hard Club Classics, Genesis and Ramstein are a few of his CD's.

I used to play Bodom everyday in the car on the way to school and eventually my mom said she liked Bodom Beach Terror.

Parents are strange creatures
Hellz no!!!
My mum listens to like the pop song on the radio! She calls everyone that weares blck for me...and she actually banned me to listen to any metal in the beginning..but now she's given up...

Dad likes old punk bands...he can stand Bodom but he don't listen to metal...

My mom is a metal fan :D
My dad likes Opeth and bands like that :P

I and my parrents went to MetalTown this year since they thought it would be fun and thei favorite band there was Dimmu Borgir :S

They both like Bodom... not as much to listen tothem, but they don't think it's bad...
Both of my parents enjoy the music but can't stand the screaming, that's why they never listen to Bodom. but I made them listen to some solos of Alexi and Janne and they liked them. But even though my dad doesn't like Bodom, he came to their concert with me twice :lol:

Same. My dad is an absolute champ, he took me (14 yrs old) and my brother (12 yrs old) to the Bodom Sydney concert, despite the fact that it was a school night (He's the director of students at the school we go to...)

Gotta love fathers.
^you guys are lucky to have such fathers. My parents never took me or didn't let me go to festivals/metal concerts when I was younger :(.

They don't like Bodom or anything else than can be considered as a rock/metal music.
haven't really had a chance do listen to them yet--definately going to
haven't seen my dad since i was ten and my mom died--plus i'm 28
your pops sounds pretty cool though,heartless
I let my dad listen to some Bodom the other day, surprisingly he liked it.
Mum on the other hand still says she hates Bodom... But a month ago i found my FTR cd in the computer and the last time i had it was when i took it out of my CD player in my room and put it on my bedside drawer... So i have suspicions she may secretly like it... Oh yer that and when im playing Bodom she doesnt tell me to turn it down, but when its other metal bands she tells me to turn it down.
My mother also hates the music. For her that is no music in anyway, just stupid screaming around. I can't understand her, and she also can't understand me and my music taste.
My mum likes alot of what I like. But not Bodom. She's not into LOADS of screaming. She really likes Seether & Disturbed though.
Rock on mum. lol
Both my parents hate metal, my dad refers to it as "demonic wankfest" and "Buffy music", he's always arguing with me about how music should be kept simple.

The closest my parents have got to my music taste was my mum listening to Extreme.
My parents are pretty religious and all - so I only manage to listen to metal through my iPod. They don't mind me listening to it - as long as I don't make THEM listen to it, and vice versa. Guess its an agreeable arrangement.