Do your parents like Bodom?

ya i am a 35 year old parent of a 14 year old son that loves cob, and am happy to say that i am the one that got him into cob. but my parents loathed the music i listened to. they got into country and bluegrass.
So then what are they?

:lol: You have Behemoth in your sig yet you think CoB are DM? :lol::lol::lol:

Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Decapitated, Arsis, Bloodbath = Death Metal

CoB = Not (some say Power Metal with harsh vocals but whatever)
i think i remember alexi saying in some interview somewhere on youtube that cob is just metal, no sub genre. id say power metal or maaaybe melodic death but not plain death metal
My parents could care less about my music. I showed my Mom a Slayer album (back in the 80's) and told her they were satanic. She shrugged it off and went on to listen to her Beatles music.
My dad likes children of bodom a lot. Especially Angels don't kill. He also like Iron Madien and some other power metal bands. He came to children of bodom and iron maiden shows with me. Though he despises any kind of death metal.

my parents like metal and CoB. that's why I listen, roots bloody roots hahhahah
I'm new!!!! :)

Sometimes I make my dad listen to Bodom in the car with me, because I need to drive him around a lot.

He laughs when Alexi sings. But I sent him the video of Lex and Roope playing Vivaldi and he loved it.

Word. :)
I would call Children of Bodom a Speed or Power Metal band. The only thing that would maybe set them aside from Power Metal is the vocals, So, Speed/Power metal with screamy vocals. That's my verdict.
They don't really care what I'm listening to.. But I occasionally play them Bodom\Cradle\Dimmu parts on the keyboard and the like it.. I even made my mom listen to few songs in the car and she liked it except for the screaming.