General Chat

This is something I'd end up posting in the Love/Hate thread but I can't because I don't hate this... And in some ways I don't love it.

So... I'm finishing college in the week. It's much harder for me that it sounds... I sent an email to my friends... my tutor... my inspiration in life just then... And I've broke down. I sent an email to him... I know he can;t read this in person but I;m sure up there he'd be checking his Facebook and his emails haha :D

Last week next week... College is coming to an end and I really can't believe it's gone so fast. You made the majority of it so enjoyable and made us get our work done haha! Propper sorted everybody out man. We wouldn't be ready for the big wide world if it wasn't for you. Those talks in those last few weeks mean so much more now. Gonna be difficult to say bye to all the tutors aswell... Being at the college and becoming mates with everybody there has been a part of my life and I'm so sad that we'll sort of be saying bye this week. Hope you're taking it easy up there man.

It's hard... I;m gonna be saying bye to my mates who are alive... But in a way I've said bye to my friends who chose to leave.. But I'm gonna be saying bye again. Because of where most of my memories with him were. Right now I'm just in tears... But it's not bad. It's just cos I miss Tom. It's been a month and a bit since he went now and it feels like yesterday that he just walked into a room and shouted "PRICK!" at me or he had a big long motivational chat and let me know I'm gonna do well.. That I should try and that I am important. That guy meant everything to me and now I'm going off what he's told me... And the worlds that guy has given me are enough to last me a life time. An experience like this has made me value all of my friends and experiences in life so much more and has made me want to do well for myself.

I really do class you guys as mates. And it's fun to come on here and to catch up/piss you guys off/piss about because it might just be a very small part of what's going on with my life... But I really value everything in life.

I'd change nothing in my life... It's perfect. Although I only wish I could speak to Tom just one more time... Let him know what's going on in life... Know how he's doing. I'm not religious... But I really do believe He's in a good place and we'll all be there together one day.

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I have been on and off here for 4 years. At first i posted only in the COB and COB-OT boards lolz i know! then i hung around a little on the BB I'm here.
Ever since you made your massive sig Ocelot, I've been wondering..... What the hell is that little G logo on the right side? It looks so fucking familiar.....
Am i the only one who have been here for more than 3 years? there should be some old fags around here some where..SHOW YOUR FACE!!!
It's a way to be a part of something bigger than yourself, serve the community, and at the same time you're a part of this close knit brotherhood. A worldwide fraternity. If you have kids, the fraternity provides free children's healthcare in some jurisdictions. Really if you're there for the fraternity, the fraternity will be there for you.

I actually visited my local lodge and a mason started talking to me, telling me what's so great about the Freemasons, and he said, "These are the only men in the world I would trust with my wife and my wallet."