General Chat

Depends on who you ask, some people say it stands for "God" or "Grand Architect of the Universe" and there are others who say it stands for "Geometry"

I don't know what the Masons themselves say about the G.
Last night was insane. Had 20s worth of pure weed (Dunno how much that would be in America!) and 3 space cakes. Took one more hit of the bong and I just didn't work anymore. Passed out for a few minutes. Then I was fine. But christ, last night was amazing.

I watched the Flintstoned whilst stoned. I couldn't tell you anything about it...
My birthday is in 6 days. :lol:

the 13th?

the 4th: like 7+ hours of guitar, and 3 hours of singing
the 5th: 4 maybe 5 hours of guitar, 1 hour of drumming, like an hour or 2 of running and shit
the 6th: like 4 miles of walking, and 3 hours of guitar if I remember correctly
the 7th: stay home, rest, and blare pantera :lol: I feel like shit :lol:
Oops, make that five days. :lol:
Its on the 12th.

"A Matter of Life and Death" just might be my favorite Iron Maiden album. I fucking love it!