General Chat


This sums up why many yanks annoy me
That's what makes me hate the Tea Party and most conservatives/fellow much as I hate Obama's policies, he's nothing like Hitler or Lenin, he's not even socialist. Statist or Corporatist sure, but not a Socialist or a Communist. It's why I can't stand Glenn Beck, THERE IS NO COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY TO DESTROY THE UNITED STATES!!! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE 50s!!!
*looks at MetallicDistort's recently played list*

How the fuck do you go from Carcass to Beethoven? :lol:
So work went well..but it was fucking rough!! work started Friday 14:00 on the afternoon and ended 7/8 on Saturday morning...i also found out that Urban Gustavsson guitar player in Vomitory works there sometimes :lol:!!!
I saw the Scorpions last night...... The band and music were awesome, but the sound was total crap. The singer was barely heard throughout, and it wasn't anywhere loud enough. Disappointment/10
Covet Chaos aka Dan..i don't know where to say this so I'm just gonna say it here...i checked out Groan and dude! that shit was awesome! reminded me a lot of Black Sabbath! cool stuff indeed!