GMD Poll: Destruction's Discography Ranked


Active Member
Apr 18, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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Directions: Rank Destruction's 16 albums. Order and number each album 1-15. Ties are OK. Your first place album earns 16 points, your second place album earns 15 points, etc.

  • You may rank as few as 9 albums. Lists with less than 8 albums will not be counted.
  • If you list less than 16 albums, the first placed album will still get 16 points, the last placed album will still get 1 point, and the albums in between will have points distributed proportionately. The average points earned for albums that are not listed will not be impacted positively or negatively, so if you don't rank an album, you neither help it or hurt it.
  • If you don't number your list then it will be assumed that it is in ranked order
At the end, the albums will be ranked based on their average number of points per vote.

You have until Saturday December 21st at 4 PM PST to finalize your list, re-familiarize yourself albums you haven’t heard in awhile, familiarize yourself with albums you haven’t heard at all, lobby for any albums you think are underrated, and lobby against any albums you think are overrated.

Sentence of Death (1985)
Infernal Overkill (1985)
Eternal Devestation (1986)
Release from Agony (1987)
Mad Butcher (1987)
Cracked Brain (1990)
Least Successful Human Cannonball (1998)
All Hell Breaks Loose (2000)
The Antichrist (2001)
Metal Discharge (2003)
Inventor of Evil (2005)
D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. (2008)
Day of Reckoning (2011)
Spiritual Genocide (2012)
Under Attack (2016)
Born to Perish (2019)
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Sentence of Death and Mad Butcher would probably rank above most of their 2000s output surely.

Glad to see that dumpster fire marathon dream theater thread end and get back to a listenable band.
1. Cracked Brain (1990)
2. All Hell Breaks Loose (2000)
3. D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. (2008)
4. Day of Reckoning (2011)
5. Born To Perish (2019)
6. Spiritual Genocide (2012)
7. The Antichrist (2001)
8. Under Attack (2016)
9. Metal Discharge (2003)
10. The Least Successful Human Cannonball (1998)
11. Inventor of Evil (2005)
12. Release from Agony (1988)
13. Infernal Overkill (1985)
14. Eternal Devastation (1986)
I love those first 3 almost equally! Gonna be tough to rank them.

What do you guys recommend from their 2000s output as I’ve never really bothered with it?
1. Cracked Brain (1990)
2. All Hell Breaks Loose (2000)
3. D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. (2008)
4. Day of Reckoning (2011)
5. Born To Perish (2019)
6. Spiritual Genocide (2012)
7. The Antichrist (2001)
8. Under Attack (2016)
9. Metal Discharge (2003)
10. The Least Successful Human Cannonball (1998)
11. Inventor of Evil (2005)
12. Release from Agony (1988)
13. Infernal Overkill (1985)
14. Eternal Devastation (1986)

13. Infernal Overkill (1985)
14. Eternal Devastation (1986)
1. Cracked Brain (1990)
2. All Hell Breaks Loose (2000)
3. D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. (2008)
4. Day of Reckoning (2011)
5. Born To Perish (2019)
6. Spiritual Genocide (2012)
7. The Antichrist (2001)
8. Under Attack (2016)
9. Metal Discharge (2003)
10. The Least Successful Human Cannonball (1998)
11. Inventor of Evil (2005)
12. Release from Agony (1988)
13. Infernal Overkill (1985)
14. Eternal Devastation (1986)

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Reactions: CiG
1. Eternal Devestation - thrash's magnum opus of riffcraft, pure buzzsaw excellence with many of the greatest thrash breaks to boot, 10/10
2. Cracked Brain - nearly as excellent as the above, defines angularity in tech-thrash, 10/10
3. Release from Agony - a rare case where being clinical is a good thing, the muffled production + sick moaning vocals + hyper-tight writing give it a unique atmosphere unlike any other, 9/10
4. Sentence of Death - exceptionally strong start particularly for Krauthrash, twangy guitar tone and frill-decorated riffing still shows their high ambition even when it's sloppy, 9/10
5. Infernal Overkill - unfortunately this one doesn't grab me quite like the other classic releases though it's still far ahead of most of their competition, it's tighter than Sentence of Death but sacrifices the really wild riffing and arrangements to an extent, has a few relatively ordinary songs (more than all the releases above combined) though it still has its brilliant ones as well, and I'm not crazy about the production, 7.5/10
6. Mad Butcher - quality EP though short, 7/10
7. Least Successful Human Cannonball - a couple shit songs but overall it's a perfectly solid alt-thrash album, like a more aggro Flotsam & Jetsam or something, 6/10
8. The Antichrist - a little less musically interesting then AHBL, but much better production and better aggression, 5/10
9. All Hell Breaks Loose - this actually has a fair bit of technique to it, a bunch of different riffing styles and even a little dissonant experimentation like Human Cannonball, but the arrangements are nothing special, there are only a few highlight moments, and the production is overpowering; can barely even recognize the Total Desaster rerecording, 5/10
10. Metal Discharge - I think I only listened to this once prior to now, surprisingly ok actually, really weak start with the first three songs but solid after that and I think Fear of the Moment is my favorite of their reunion run based on my relistens so far, best production of the three as well, 5/10
11. Inventor of Evil - maybe a little more consistent than the three preceding albums but almost nothing sticks out, 4/10
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Reactions: Phylactery and CiG
1) Eternal Devastation
2) Infernal Overkill
3) Release From Agony
4) Sentence of Death
5) Mad Butcher
6) The Antichrist
7) Cracked Brain
8) Inventor of Evil
9) Day of Reckoning
10) Metal Discharge
11) D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N
12) Born to Perish
13) Spiritual Genocide
14) Under Attack
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1. Eternal Devastation
2. Release from Agony
3. Cracked Brain
4. Infernal Overkill
5. Mad Butcher
6. Sentence of Death
7. All Hell Breaks Loose
8. Metal Discharge
9. The Antichrist
10. Least Successful Human Cannonball
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1 - Eternal Devastation
2 - Sentence of Death
3 - Infernal Overkill
4 - Cracked Brain
5 - Release from Agony
6 - Mad Butcher

I don't really mind the rest.
1. Sentence of Death
2. Eternal Devastation
3. Infernal Overkill
4. Mad Butcher
5. Release from Agony
6. Cracked Brain

7. All Hell Breaks Loose
8. The Antichrist
9. Metal Discharge
1. Eternal Devastation
2. Infernal Overkill
3. Sentence of Death
4. Release From Agony
5. Cracked Brain
6. Mad Butcher
7. The Antichrist
8. Day of Reckoning
9. D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N.
10. All Hell Breaks Loose
11. Spiritual Genocide
12. Least Successful Human Cannonball

Cant go any further.