GMD Votes: Top 20 Black Metal Albums

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You shut the fuck up. My post was in jest, just like his was. His post is also just as antagonizing as mine was. He's not even adding to the discussion, he's just saying stupid shit towards people who don't agree with him on an album.
You shut the fuck up. My post was in jest, just like his was. His post is also just as antagonizing as mine was. He's not even adding to the discussion, he's just saying stupid shit towards people who don't agree with him on an album.

My post is truth. Drawing Down the Moon is a classic for a reason; and people with half-baked understandings of what its about, making misinformed, obviously bullshit statements about it, annoy the fuck out of me.

You can say "the riffs are clumsy", "the transitions are poor", "it sounds shitty" etc all you want. It's supposed to be jarring and primal in nature so you're obviously missing the fucking point.

If you don't like Beherit, fine, but don't say it's shit merely because you don't fucking get it. Maybe the problem lies with you, and not the album.
I bet there's a strong correlation between enjoying black metal and reporting posts on an internet forum.

EDIT: I'd take the average gypsy street performer banging on pots and pans outside of Onder's workplace over that Beherit album, btw.
There's nothing to get. It's shit. It doesn't accomplish it's goal of be "primal" or whatever. It's just terrible compostions being played by bad musicians and being mixed by a bad producer. No vision. No aesthetic. Nothing.
There's nothing to get. It's shit. It doesn't accomplish it's goal of be "primal" or whatever. It's just terrible compostions being played by bad musicians and being mixed by a bad producer. No vision. No aesthetic. Nothing.

Your definition of "terrible composition" is shit. Your entire argument is shit.

Anyone else find it weird Mosen says he can name 500+ black metal albums?

and I thought I didn't listen to enough black metal.

I'm also glad Summoning didn't make it to top 20 even though this feeling I have might be more based on my subjective taste unlike what I think about Beherit which should be just common sense.
There should be a ban-hammer emoticon sponsored by Nephilim.


These are most of the posts I made in this thread, how are any of these bannable, especially for this boards' standards? I didn't even call you anything like CF did.

Yeah, I think it would be interesting to re-do these threads but with bands instead of albums. Maybe we should do that later on?

Says the guy who put Beherit 6th... Serious, I just don't get the appeal of that album. I don't even like Engram, but that's easily a better album.

I mean, I can totally understand why some people don't like OM or 1184, but I'll never understand the appeal of Drawing Down The Moon. The only thing cool about that album is the distorted vocals.

Can you explain why you think it's a good album? Seriously, I would like to know.

Dude, the riffs are fucking basic bullshit. Easily some of the worst riffage among the "Classic" black metal albums.

If anyone's embarrassing, it's you. Just because somebody doesn't like a single albums means they don't respect the genre or it's history? That's a really fucking dumb thing to say.

I'm sure there's a "classic" metal album out there that you don't like.

He's been on this board longer than you have.

Rather be gay than be attracted to children.
I just wish there were clearer criterion on what is and what isn't allowed to be said on this forum. People spew homophobic language right and left with no consequence, but if one references a factual event a poster (rather foolishly) chose to share, there is a punishment. Makes no sense to me. Maybe there's a rationale to it, but it should at least be explicit.
and I thought I didn't listen to enough black metal.

I'm also glad Summoning didn't make it to top 20 even though this feeling I have might be more based on my subjective taste unlike what I think about Beherit which should be just common sense.

Me too. Even though I enjoy their earlier records, I don't think they're nearly as good as they are often hyped to be.
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