Half way through the year - best album so far?

David Gilmour - On An Island

The only album that really did it for me like no other album that was released this year.

And I agree with whoever said that last year was a much better year for music than this year - at least so far.

Oh, and I still haven't gotten the new Agalloch, so that should be good, to say the least.
Trust me Rise Against - The Sufferer and the Witness, it's just an all out solid album, it's melodic hardcore punk and it never tries to be anything more than what it is and yet it's simply awesome, it doesn't try to over stretch it's mark by trying to be progressive as hell or anything like that, it's aggresive, heart felt hardcore lyrics with pop punk esque guitar hooks, trust but this album listen to it once u will fall in love with it.
Best album so far: YYRKOON - Unhealthy Opera (French death metal - highly recommended!)

Biggest disappointment: France losing to Italy in the world cup final
Powers said:
Trust me Rise Against - The Sufferer and the Witness, it's just an all out solid album, it's melodic hardcore punk and it never tries to be anything more than what it is and yet it's simply awesome, it doesn't try to over stretch it's mark by trying to be progressive as hell or anything like that, it's aggresive, heart felt hardcore lyrics with pop punk esque guitar hooks, trust but this album listen to it once u will fall in love with it.

Rise against are my homeotwn heros and they are dreamy. because i dream to be them, pro musician!. yes!
ruun is at the top of my list for metal so far.

i liked katatonia's the great cold distance better than a lot of other albums this year as well. i haven't heard the new mars volta, should check that out soon.
Psycroptic's Symbols of Failure for me, it took a while but now i love it.

I'm hopefully picking up Spawn of Possession's Noctambulant in a few days, I have heard a few songs off it and it sounds awesome:D.
hibernal_dream said:
nah, i just have higher standards than you. that and time constraints which don't allow me to listen to mediocre music nor post 100's of posts every day

yea, the metalhead has higher standards than me. the fact you even BOTHERED to listen to a new saturnus, kalmah and amorphis record shows how much more time to listen to "mediocre" music you have than me. :rolleyes: