Well, this is the first place I ever used King Richard as a moniker and have since used it everywhere else. How it came about? I was watching a documentary on King Richard the Lionheart and liked the way "King Richard" sounded, especially when people said it in a British accent on that show, and in every movie I've ever seen.
My first moniker here was Amarantus I think. I went through a couple more dumb ones until King Richard stuck. I originally wanted to use Cannibal as my moniker cuz that has been my gamertag since, shit, like 98 or 99, but it was taken and I was upset. I still use Cannibal in all forms of gaming.
edit: I guess I should mention my first name is Richard, derp, which attracted me to the idea even more because I'm egotistical and view myself as royalty. But I think everyone already knew that.
Side note: Am I the only one who gets extremely annoyed when you introduce yourself as (insert full first name), in my case Richard, because that's my actual name and then people shortly thereafter start calling you by a nickname, like Rick (I'm ok with Rick, everyone calls me that), or Rich (fucking hate Rich), or Ricky (I will murder you), or whatever? Like bruh, I don't know you enough to get friendly with my name, first off, secondly, you should probably ask permission. There's a reason why I said, "Hi I'm Richard nice to meet you." I understand a lot of people are simple minded and have problems pronouncing words with more than one syllable, but c'mon.