I bought a new car (the "I wanna be like Gugs" thread)...

Yeah, the G8 is awesome and is probably Pontiac's most impressive car ever. The GTO was awesome too but no one bought it. The straight-line performance of a Corvette for about 1/2 the price. People thought it looked too much like a Cobalt. I'd happily take a 400 hp Cobalt, thanks.
Face it: GM-buyers are rednecks.

LOL @ Cadillac. Whata a waste.
I always liked Saturns & Pontiacs for the most part, except the Saturn Vue when it first came out, and the Pontiac Aztec. Those are disgusting looking vehicles. However, the modern day Vue is one of the better looking SUV's out there right now imo.
Haha, love those ads.

Just saw 9 or so Motorcycles on the road walking back from lunch. I need a bike :hypno:
Ford has really been on top of their game lately.
I never liked pick-ups, but that F150 Raptor looks delicious.
Yeah, definitely.
Now they need to bring back the Ranger FX4 Level 2 or maybe a Raptor version of the Ranger. I'd buy one if I lived out West.
GM owns them shitz.

@Matt: hahaha remember that Simpsons episode when Homer bought the SUV? Wasn't it called the Ranchero?
Anyway, yeah, I was too lazy to qualify my statement about the West. The terrain there IN GENERAL TERMS is different than what you would be off-roading here in the South, Midwest, and Mid-Atlantic. The Raptor looks designed to blast through desert trails and precarious mountain passes...not the muddy, rocky, rutted trails you would find here. The Ranger FX4 II excelled here, a Raptor version of a Ranger would be wasted.
Just in case you were wondering.
A new car! Two weeks abo but I haven't bought anything since then anyway.

I need to purchase a new (newer used) vehicle. I just dropped 3k on my piece of shit Honda Civic. (Rear brakes, struts, mounts-o-plenty, radiator, oil gasket, golden dipstick). I honestly can't tell much of a difference in the performance of the vehicle. It's like giving an old man a pair of Air Jordan's. The coot isn't going to jump any higher. Blargh, may look in to one of these certified vehicles.
i really want a car. i have been borrowing various cars over the last month or two and am really getting the taste for drivin around. however i'm not sure that i can afford one!!!
i really want a car. i have been borrowing various cars over the last month or two and am really getting the taste for drivin around. however i'm not sure that i can afford one!!!
Sure you can. Do it! As long as you have a job, it's not a problem. If you get an old car and pay it all whäm bäm, it's not a problem either way. Come drink coffee.
I dunno how I would have made it since the age of 18 without a car, not because it would have been impossible in any way but I'm a lazy bastard.

I need to purchase a new (newer used) vehicle. I just dropped 3k on my piece of shit Honda Civic. (Rear brakes, struts, mounts-o-plenty, radiator, oil gasket, golden dipstick). I honestly can't tell much of a difference in the performance of the vehicle. It's like giving an old man a pair of Air Jordan's. The coot isn't going to jump any higher. Blargh, may look in to one of these certified vehicles.

Mine had one previous owner, my mom since '05. It' been well taken care of and just serviced for a fuckbunch of money a month ago and we got a nice deal. That didn't stop it from fucking with us the very day of purchase though (windshield cracked three weeks after changing it and the rear window won't shut properly and the rear wind shield wiper died) but it's taken care of now (or parts waiting).
Never had a car that was this new before, it's kool.
Sure you can. Do it! As long as you have a job, it's not a problem. If you get an old car and pay it all whäm bäm, it's not a problem either way.
i'm going to start working 50% soon

maybe buying or owning a car will not be a problem but i don't think i will be able to afford much in the way of gasoline