I bought the nu In Flames album today

Chopstick up the Peehole said:
Does that mean if you'd already known I was a grindhead you would have immediately dismissed my opinion?

No, but you dismissed other peoples opinions on this thread regarding Opeth!
I think that they are all opinions and that you should not preach about how awesome a band is. Let people formulate their own opinions, it's how you evolve.
megamich said:
No, but you dismissed other peoples opinions on this thread regarding Opeth!
Really? When? I must have missed that part.

MURAI: Don't like Obituary at all. As I said, those bands I listed before are pretty much the only metal bands I listen to. Generally, I prefer black metal over death metal.
chopstick, i wasn't going against you. just was checking if you are one of those fuckers who like hardcore and grindcore!

so mostly you listen to black metal!
hey i like In The Nightside Eclipse,First Spell, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Goat Horns, Pentagram and Heartwork(death metal) too!
oh, and i started listening to metal when i was 10!
so i don't think you can preach me on METAL!

I too think that the NU in flames album sucks big time and its pure garbage and some of Opeth fans are fuckin emo wankers but not all Opeth fans are like that.

oh, I'm not sure but Dan Swano Produced all 4 first Opeth albums...
are you a retard?
I'll comment in this zombie thread.

I liked Reroute to Remain at the time, and I ran a nostalgia listen a couple months back and found it mostly held up. I can see why some would really dislike the aesthetic of it, but a change in sound was definitely needed after the stale Clayman. I don't know of much else that sounds like it, which is not something I can say about the band's previous material.

Then Soundtrack To Your Escape came out, and I lost interest in anything else they were going to do after. It's funny how people didn't think that In Flames were selling out at the time, when they quite clearly and more blatantly than just about any other band are trying to broaden their appeal for each successive group of Hot Topic 13-year-olds.
I listened to some new (2014 that is) In Flames song on youtube and everything about it was sad / just plain bad. Generic core riffing, annoying chorus with screamo back vocals, a Vans cap on the singer's head, etc etc.

EDIT: The teenager nu-metal era songs like Only For The Weak are gold in comparison [however uncvlt, it's just true]. That era may be emo but at least it's somewhat fresh tbh.
Through Oblivion is just bad. I can understand everything, but hell, why Anders didn't run a side project to release that song. It's really cringe-worthy.
Through Oblivion is just bad. I can understand everything, but hell, why Anders didn't run a side project to release that song. It's really cringe-worthy.

Ok, so I listened to that one too, and I consider it better than that one I listened to, which was called Rusted Nail. That song you're talking about is a regular rock song at least, without screamo backvocals and stupid toughguy shit.

EDIT: But long story short, it's just not a good band.