Clad in shadows
Yeah, I'm seeing them in Pittsburgh. It's going to be awesome. I saw Dark Tranquillity with Omnium Gatherum earlier this year too.
Reading comprehension not even once
No, just read it like it is. The album, according to Bjorn, is a summarization of their entire career but without the 'roots', ie, melodic death metal. If that's not what he meant perhaps he should have been clearer.
Either way, there are no elements of 'the roots' on the new album. This is pretty much assured. I listened to Rusted Nail again. What an absolutely atrocious piece of music. I played it and then immediately after played Jotun. Unbelievable. Anders sounds so good, so inspired on all of the classic records. The band sounds like Korn and Linkin Park nowadays. When people say that, it's actually true. A true travesty in the history of music, this transformation. But we shouldn't be surprised. Bjorn got very bored (his own words) and clearly it shows!
There's always been elements of the old days on all recent albums, this one will not differ. I've never heard any similarities to either Linkin Park or Korn, neither in the music or vocals. I haven't listened that much to either of those bands though but I know them both pretty well. Anders has a very unique voice and I've never heard any other vocalists that sounds like him, neither in the old days or recent times.
And I disagree that Anders sounds more inspired. You can't really measure that in growls versus singing. And if anything, he was less inspired, since he didn't even care to scream with a proper technique, he just screamed (his own words), and if he was so inspired when screaming only, why would he gradually start to use more melodic vocals and less screaming?
So inspired he abandoned it I pressume.
When did Björn say that he's bored? Bored doing what, writing music, being in the band? Touring?
I've heard him say nothing but the opposite.
That's not a single bro, that's just the individual track on amazon. You can go to each individual track on the album at the same page. Sept 8 is the release date of the album in UK.In Flames going to release another single at September 8.
When The World Explodes
That's not a single bro, that's just the individual track on amazon. You can go to each individual track on the album at the same page. Sept 8 is the release date of the album in UK.
Next single is Through Oblivion, and after that, it might not be more, since the album is only 5 weeks away.
People being more energetic on stage in their early to mid twenties compared to when they are around 40 years old? That's a shocker. Niclas brings more energy than anyone else even did in the early days. So the band is worse just because they don't run around headbanging as much? Makes sense.
You are again stating things as facts when it's just your subjective opinion that there's more passion in the music and in Anders voice. I can't really understand how one would even hear passion or emotion in a growl with the same pitch. It's basically impossible. Can you describe what you mean when you say that you think there is more passion in his growls on Whoracle? Is it the pitch of the growls, is it the length? How do you measure what amount of passion there is? You get my point? It's purely subjective. You might say that you feel more passion in his voice if u compare lets say the chorus of The Hive versus the chorus of Come Clarity, but the next person might claim the exact opposite.
And Anders has short hair now, hence why he headbangs less. On most people it looks stupid when they headbang without any hair. If you saw around 2008 when he still had the dreads, he headbanged all the fucking time. He might not have run around the stage as much, but he still headbanged almost all the time when he was not doing vocals.
It's getting more noticably you're just trashing the band because you don't like the newer stuff. It's obvious to anyone who isn't a retard they still love what they do and still do it with the same passion. Maybe you haven't though that their music in general isn't as fast paced nowadays, and maybe then, you don't run around as much on stage to the songs, since you would outrun the actual pace of the song. But sure, most bands don't play some songs they've already played 500 times with the same energy anymore, that's just logic. You don't need to headbang to show that you enjoy the music you're playing. And it's harder to run around and try sing than it is to growl. Are you one of those guys that thinks you have to run around in a moshpit to be a true fan and enjoy the show? And seats at shows is also a sign that you can't possibly enjoy the music as much as the energetic people running around in a circle pit or the guys at front row headbanging, right?
Anders sounding anything even close to Linkin Park and/or Korn on Clayman?
What the fuck are you even talking about? Where's the similarity? Seriously. Link me parts or songs where the vocals sound similar to any of those bands.
And Anders NEEDS to growl like he did on Whoracle and Colony? He NEEDS to do that why? Because you think so? Yeah, all musicians should listen to people telling them how to write and perform music, that would be awesome. Imagine all the good music that would be produced in the world if musicians just wrote music that they don't even want to write themselves, but what some people tells them to write. Imagine all the sick live shows around the world that would be played, where all the musicians would have to fake their enjoyment playing songs they don't really like.
Like I already said and like Anders has said himself, on TJR and Whoracle, he didn't even have or know any technique whatsoever with his screams and growls. It's evident that he doesn't know what he's doing on the 1996 germany DVD, he sounds like a goat being strangled or something worse and he's losing his breath all the time. On Colony was when he started to develop a technique and knowing what he was doing according to himself.
But hey, Anders, Uneasy Conscience here on Ultimate Metal Forum thinks your singing sucks and he thinks you sound whiny like Jonathan Davis in Korn. Can you just go back and try to unsuccessfully reproduce the no-technique growl you used on Whoracle instead? Thanks.
Bands evolving? Fuck that. The first two albums were the best. Write 8 more albums in similar fashion please.
Maybe I'm weird but I think that bands should do whatever the fuck they want. If In Flames suddenly wanted to start doing country they should. I obviously wouldn't listen to it because country sucks, but if that's what they want why shouldn't they? It's not like there isn't 1000 other bands to listen to that I like. You don't like Rusted Nail, well you're not alone, thousands of people think it sucks ass. But there's also thousands of people who like it because, SURPRISE, people have different taste in music, and people's music taste also shifts over time. It can be musical influences, life experiences or just a new perspective, doesn't really matter anyhow. You proabably will despise the majority of Siren Charms also, maybe it's time to move on and just listen to the albums you like. In Flames have never been a retrogessive band and you can hear that just by comparing Lunar Strain and The Jester Race or even Whoracle and Colony. Why should bands displease themselves over other people when they are writing music? Makes no sense. I literally doubt that there is any serious bands or solo musicians that write music they don't really like themselves. But you seem to think so.
You may think it's just blind hero worship, but believe me, there's several In Flames songs that I think sucks or just bore me in general but I don't sit here and complain about how I think they should sound or how much better they were 10 years ago.
Doesn't really have to do anything with the subject in my post but, I read Jesper said that they started to get much shit thrown at them around 2000-2002 or something just because they did a tour with Slipknot, since those people apparently didn't like Slipknot and thought they played nu metal or whatever. That just goes to show what reasons people need to start saying a band sucks or has sold out.
okI read the first few lines of your reply. There is no way I am taking the time to read all of that long winded post. Yea, In Flames used to be awesome. Yea, they absolutely suck now. Yea, they ditched their early fan base, you know, the one that MADE them popular. And don't get me started on 40 year olds not being expected to have the same energy as when they were 20. There are literally hundreds of musicians in all genres of metal that are 35-40 and play with immense energy - Jeff Loomis, Gene Hoglan, Tom Araya, All of Testament, All of Cannibal Corpse, etc etc. I could go on and on. You're right that I don't like In Flames anymore. I never post here. But every time they release a new album I have to come here and remind the newbies what things used to be like...
Enjoy your In Flamez. I'll go listen to Enslaved. A band that isn't lazy (Bjorn's own words)...
Well for Jesper he didn't really enjoy himself the later years with the heavy touring, alcohol wasn't really the main problem. He's always been a recluse when touring also. And he clearly wanted to do different things (The Resistance) music wise.The amount of touring they've done over the years is insane. There are very few bands who could have kept up such a crazy schedule.
Arguably it's cost Anders some power in his voice, and possibly pushed Jesper further down the alcoholic path. Their exhaustive schedule may also have encouraged them to be lazier in the studio, in order to not burn themselves out when playing live. But would they be where they are now without the extensive touring? Probably not.