I can't believe we have to wait 1.5 months to hear the new album, its ridiculous...we've been waiting since December!!!
Thoughts so far:
Rusted nail - agree that its like 4 songs into 1. I don't like the verses especially the first one as they are quite weird (although they have grown on me) and I think the riff after the intro solo is quite weak, probably Engelin-influenced riff. But damn the chorus is great, especially the 2nd and 3rd chorus where you hear the guitar melody in the background.
Everything's gone - i love this song, Ander's vocals in the chorus and pre-chorus are the strongest I've heard since Come Clarity and the chorus is epic. The solo could have been a bit longer and agree with Cyberinflames that the song doesn't build up properly before it finishes...i could do with a bit more solo and more chorus at the end.
Through oblivion - I actually like this song a lot, especially if you forget that its In flames you are listening to

Ander's vocals are much better than Rusted Nail and the song is very catchy...i don't mind that it that the riff/song is simple at all. I prefer this over Liberation as the album's 'soft' song.
Generally I was worried after Rusted Nail but i've got my hopes up now that I've heard the other two songs, especially Everything's Gone. Even though some people disagree, I think the new music is still of high quality but I agree that Anders is not the perfect singer for songs like Through Oblivion or for Rusted Nail verses, but its fine I still enjoy the music.
One thing that I am worried about is guitars...I think Bjorn can do much better than what we've heard so far from the above songs, I really enjoyed the fact that SOAPF was a guitar driven album and I hope that the remaining songs in SC will be better in terms of guitar playing and riffs.