I listened to ASOP in it entirely today for the first time in years, because I clearly felt like punishing myself

and I wanted to see if it was as shitty as I remember.
The Mirror's Truth is actually not a bad track. I mean, none of the songs on this album are anywhere near their older stuff, or even Come Clarity, but there's some nice riffing in there.
Disconnected actually has some nice melodies too, but those lyrics and vocals... fuck you Anders.
Sleepless Again has a really nice Lunar Strain-esque opening, but that fucking chorus. Gay whiny shit. Again, fuck you Anders. I wish I was forever numb after having to endure this track. There's a nice little solo near the end of the song though. Again, the melodies really aren't so bad, but the vocals... urgh.
Alias... catchy but it's rock-pop N'Flamez to the extreme. The chorus is really fucking annoying, AGAIN. The outro, like the Sleepless Again intro, is a throwback to the older days and doesn't really fit with the music that came before it. They should have extended it and had that as a break between this song and the next one.
I'm the Highway... forgettable. A real throwaway track.
Delight and Angers... fuck the entire band. Effortless, fluffy crap. The lyrics are absolutely disgraceful, a 15 year old emo girl would be mortified by them. "Pleasseeee, healll meee, I can't sleep" ... yeah, we established that in Sleepless Again, Anders, move the fuck on you wimp. I genuinely feel embarrassed to even listen to this. How they can play it live with a straight face is beyond me. Almost the worst track on the album.
Move Through Me... y'know, it's fine, but it's also the definition of filler. Not a song I'd have any interest in listening to again. Really cool melodic parts near the end of the song though.
The Chosen Pessimist... I have no words for this. Just, what the fuck were they thinking? Boring, meandering, useless... the vocals are pathetic. As an experiment this was an abject failure and eats up over 8 fucking minutes of the album. Arguably the biggest waste of time in the history of everything.
Sober and Irrelevant... hi Jesper? This is actually one of the better tracks on the album. Fast paced, no really gay part, though "happiness, please come home" is a stupid line. But this album is full of them.
Condemned... I remember this being one of my favourite tracks on the album. It still holds up pretty well. The intro is really heavy and would be awesome live. The guitars have a lot of energy behind them, for once I can stand the chorus. A shining light in the darkness. I really like the last lyric - "It's a hill to climb/Would you dream if I designed the future/And not the end of time?" ... not Anders' best, but in comparison to the rest of the lyrics, fucking genius.
Drenched in Fear... I seem to recall some rumours that this song had a "Whoracle vibe" to it when the album was released... fuck off

not in the slightest. The intro is fine, verses tolerable, chorus lame. I mean, really lame.
March to the Shore... a good, aggressive opening. Verses tolerable. Chorus catchy but lame. Much like the last song. Not a great song to end the album on as it isn't especially memorable.
Overall, the album isn't quite as bad as I remember it. Some of the guitar work is really nice, the melodies as always are there and there are some catchy elements to the album. It's harsh, but Anders absolutely ruins this album for me in every conceivable way. His vocals are really, really weak. His screaming is generally more like yelling, and he sounds worn out. The cleans are, for the most part, fucking irritating. I'm okay with his cleans on pretty much every album except this one, though the ridiculously lame lyrics probably have a big part to play in that. They are just terrible, and embarrassing on multiple occasions. For a guy who was in his late 30's at the time, these lyrics are pathetic and sound like they were written by an angst-ridden high school girl. Disaster.
Unquestionably the worst In Flames album of all time. Hands down. My opinion on this has not really changed at all.