Jackson RR24 PICS! Check in this hot guitar!

actually yeah...the setup you have now will give you a brighter tone with less depth than other way around. i think the neck resonates the sound in a different way on the body so it does make a difference but....we all wait for a wise answer from nazgul...he knows better than me :goggly: :) :notworthy

Hehe :D. Well it's a matter of personal preference. If you find EMG81 being to shrill or something, you will like EMG85 more. If you have one of the newer EMGs with quick-connect wires, you can change the pickups around in 5 minutes ;).

I just buyed it:cool:

Cool! You will probably want somekind of a boost for it ...EMG PA2 or if you can get the MM04 or whatever is that clone called. the pickup itself doesn't have much gain.
Hehe :D. Well it's a matter of personal preference. If you find EMG81 being to shrill or something, you will like EMG85 more. If you have one of the newer EMGs with quick-connect wires, you can change the pickups around in 5 minutes ;).

Thanks :kickass: but i think if I get the set ill have ta just do the wiring myself but would you say i should consider to buy the PA2 afterburner with the EMG 60 ,81 ...???:rock:
It's so stupid to buy a rhoads-shaped guitar because alexi plays them. If you like them, fine - I think they're cool too - but I don't buy them because alexi use them. If alexi didn't use them noone on this forum would have a rhoads-shaped guitar except for maybe a couple of persons. Stupid fanboys.

Ive always liked extreme shapes and Vs so dont you be bashing me boy! Its not fanboy to own a great guitar. Theres actually fewer fanboy guitar buyers than u know coz most of them just like his guitars. Everyoen owning a alexi sig or maybe a rr24 with yellow bewels aint fanboy! i know u said perhaps a couple would want it otherwise. but its way more ppl than a couple...:) ur practicly calling rhoads shaped gutiar alexi trademark...dont forget who made it dude! RANDY FUCKING RHOADS! not alexi laiho.

my second guitar was a fanboy esp ltd mmv and since then ive liked rhoads more than any other guitar shape :)
Hehe :D. Well it's a matter of personal preference. If you find EMG81 being to shrill or something, you will like EMG85 more. If you have one of the newer EMGs with quick-connect wires, you can change the pickups around in 5 minutes ;).

Thanks :kickass: but i think if I get the set ill have ta just do the wiring myself but would you say i should consider to buy the PA2 afterburner with the EMG 60 ,81 ...???:rock:

yes... Neck:60 Bridge:81 if you want versatility but neck:85(or 81) and bridge:81(or 85 depends on your preference) is for metal:)
Ive always liked extreme shapes and Vs so dont you be bashing me boy! Its not fanboy to own a great guitar. Theres actually fewer fanboy guitar buyers than u know coz most of them just like his guitars. Everyoen owning a alexi sig or maybe a rr24 with yellow bewels aint fanboy! i know u said perhaps a couple would want it otherwise. but its way more ppl than a couple...:) ur practicly calling rhoads shaped gutiar alexi trademark...dont forget who made it dude! RANDY FUCKING RHOADS! not alexi laiho.

my second guitar was a fanboy esp ltd mmv and since then ive liked rhoads more than any other guitar shape :)

totally agree.... :kickass: :rock:
I might get the black/yellow one soon, just to say I own one. I want one because they look cool and once the 75 limited edition ones go, that's it so I better get in quick aye?!
I might get the black/yellow one soon, just to say I own one. I want one because they look cool and once the 75 limited edition ones go, that's it so I better get in quick aye?!

aye! i think its a bit retarded jackson dont put bindings in standard models :( :erk: They look really cool and play great. And as for the OFR i think if jackson put out it was OFR and wasnt theyd get sued like a million times for false info:) so it has to be one! and it looks like it is too. Just to say you own one ?:D well its expensive but if you want it XD
I might get the black/yellow one soon, just to say I own one. I want one because they look cool and once the 75 limited edition ones go, that's it so I better get in quick aye?!

That's pretty much why I would buy that Jackson RR/LL if I had the money.
Yeah exactly, those were limited edition too.

I wonder if there's anyone that's selling one, maybe you could pick up a 2nd hand one?

the phenom said:
Just to say you own one ? well its expensive but if you want it XD

1 months pay if I work full time hours. My temp contract ends next week so hopefully they'll keep me on and let me have the same hours for a while. Having this much is great. Might be getting an ADA MP1 soon too.
Yeah exactly, those were limited edition too.

I wonder if there's anyone that's selling one, maybe you could pick up a 2nd hand one?

1 months pay if I work full time hours. My temp contract ends next week so hopefully they'll keep me on and let me have the same hours for a while. Having this much is great. Might be getting an ADA MP1 soon too.

even so a RR-LL is a 1200 euro modded RR3 with 24 frets!
i think my dream guitar would be just like alexi with an hz in the bridge... but i'd want a good neck pickup with it. SV could be modified in that manner easily hehe! so it's not trully a dream guitar then.
If you wanted a custom guitar building you should check out Ran guitars. I've never played one but i've heared great things from people that do, they are also pretty cheap (about £1000 I think) for custom made guitars. Look on the gallery because they have made some sweet guitars in the past

I think the rhodes shape is the best around, it looks awsome, it feels comforable sat down (I personally prefer V's sat down) and stood up (soloist's balance their weaight a little better but the rhodes doesn't have the top wing digging into your chest). I spent years looking for my perfect guitar shape and it definatly is the rhodes.

As for my perfect trem I'm definatly sticking with a floating trem because of all the added things you can do, the feeling of them and I don't mind the maintinence. But i'd like to Try out a Kahler trem, their very expensive and quite ugly but apparantly their awsome. But I don't personally thing it can beat a floyd

I love the EMG bridge pickups (and I don't really need a neck pu) buti would like to try some more to see if there is anything better out there

Maybie one day I'll find my perfect guitar spec, when I do i'm definatly getting a custom made one.