Languages and those who violate them

Legende: About pronouncing 'hur säger du' as one word - it's just the usual thing when people are talking in their native tongue. When I had French lessons a couple of years ago, the teacher was talking very slowly to us in French, but that was just so that we would understand what he was saying, because we where n00bs. He was very clear to point out that 'real Frenchmen' was talking much faster. It might be something like that your teacher has missed to inform you about. There's always a difference between the version of a language you learn in class and the version you hear on the street in the country it's talked.

And I hope you're understanding that this: "Härskaresteknisksnivå" isn't something you'll see written by a Swede. ;)
@ Child of Time:

Yeah, did mention something like that but I guess the teacher also wanted to make swedish "easy access" for the noobs who aren't like me... in other words: not motivated to become almost swedish lol And if she wanted to confuse everybody with the fast pronouncing; I guess she could

But I have a friend (and she's very pretty lol) and when she talks in her native language, I really hear that it's not the classroom swedish she's using.

So since I want to talk fast I have to get along with that way of speaking swedish... and the limit of uncomprehension is danish. That's also why I wrote this härskarestektisksnivå, it's a pronouncing exercise lol
Yeah, but I think it's better to learn the proper pronounciation first and speak slow, and then, when you have a really good pronounciation, you can try to speak faster. Because if you both are talking fast and with bad pronounciation, you will be very difficult to understand. It's cool that you're so motivated! :)
Child of Time said:
There's always a difference between the version of a language you learn in class and the version you hear on the street in the country it's talked.
Sometimes, when you're familiar with the way people sound in their native language, the way teachers speak to their students (which happens to be just you) sounds pretty retarded, especially when they think they're talking to a lot of 6-y-o kids and they have to shout everything very slowly and with the wrong accent. :p

edit: and as for the topic itself, whatever grammar mistakes journalists do on tv tend to piss me off.
fireangel said:
now that it´s corrected, it`s okay. :cool:
I'm relieved to hear it. You know what it's like when you come to a place for the first time (sort of) and there's a hundred new faces to remember (sort of). Ahem.

I have another language violation, but I've completely forgotten it. I did lay awake last night for at least half an hour getting worked up about it though, so it's a good one. :)
Rusty said:
I have another language violation, but I've completely forgotten it. I did lay awake last night for at least half an hour getting worked up about it though, so it's a good one. :)
you're lucky this is not the off topic board, with statement such as this. i can hear a faint chorus of "fap fap fap" in the distance. :tickled:
@CoT: Ahh, yes svenska. Where was my brain? :)
@rahvin: about your typos, the point with them is that they're usually really funny. i don't know how you do it, it happens very rarely but when it happens it's a blast. don't ever proofread. :grin:

i was a grammar nazi when i was younger (you know, all my youth was somehow connected to nazism, apparently). right now, where my own language is concerned, i love to test the colloquial expressions, even when i know they're gramatically wrong, because they make me more accessible to people who would otherwise be sort of put off - that's the slytherin conversation manual for you, ladies and gents. anyway, i steer clear of them when having an important conversation, and no, i'm not talking about work.

one thing i really hate, though, is the lack of proper vocabulary when it's not done on purpose. and i also hate people who don't admit that the choice of words reflects the intentions and the inner predisposition towards something, unless you have someone who is highly sophisticate on your hands.
fireangel said:
Now I wonder how it could happen, because the right name is automatically filled in when you quote.
Well the first quote was rahvin's, and it filled his name in automatically. The second quote was a manual one, so I has to fill it in myself and... well I think you know it from there. ;)
fireangel (and this is a manual quote *triple-checks name*) said:
But you get to learn us fast ;) I remember you from the general "new to UM-thread" because there posted a friend of mine and I welcomed her ;) But that was at least several months ago.
On the Introduce Yourself forum?? Blimey, I haven't been there in ages. Ah, memories...
rahvin (ooh said:
you're lucky this is not the off topic board, with statement such as this. i can hear a faint chorus of "fap fap fap" in the distance. :tickled:
Ah. You got me. I don't really despise bad grammar, it's actually an incredible turn on. Ah, how low I've become...

I still can't remember the other thing that annoys me, but if it does come back to me tonight I'll be sure to write it down so I can remember it. :p
@fire: don't worry, happened to me for years and i lived to tell. only, i don't know what.
@fireangel: :lol: look, the only point i mean to convey is: relax and close your eyes. obviously i'm more effective in person, but we don't really want to post the details here. ;)

@hyena: whatever you say tonight makes me laugh uncontrolably, it seems. ;) yet:

beyond and to all time i stand

join me, my dear.
Either I'm really tired, or this conversation has suddenly turned really weird.

Well, a bit weirder than previously.

Still, :wave: @ fireangel.
nah, i have to go to bed, will join you tomorrow. and if you think i'm funny per se, check the NP thread :lol:
for the language purists, tamarro is a redneck, and it sounds just like tomorrow.
anyway, check the last version of my sig, while i go to sleep. :lol: