Languages and those who violate them

Rahvin and hyena said:
micicici, vaffanculo
What does this mean? :confused: I tried to use's translation service for Italian to English, but it know any of the words.

Magsec4 said:
The Official Prick of English Grammar and Spelling likes this thread..
He shall pull up a chair and get comfortable :heh:

Hurray! Finally someone that will correct my grammar mistakes! *glee, glee*
@cot: the first word is a very silly nickname, the kind that people address each other with when they're in love, and childish, and retarded. :p the second word is a popular insult, not unlike "fuck you" in english. the funny-sounding association of the two words comes from (a) our knowledge of someone who actively uses the first nickname, and (b) our toying with the idea that he might want to dispose of his lover in such a rude, but appropriate way.
@cot: i actively support a project aiming to substitute all candy-coated lies used for rejection with very rude and trivial insults.
out with "i don't love you anymore" or "we can stay friends", in with "get out of my way, you sad geek" and "i wouldn't touch you with a quarterstaff, asshole".
Child of Time said:
:lol: Yeah, that would be much better for both parts! The one who's dumping can let out a bit of anger and the one who's being dumped might have easier to let go after hearing some rough insults.
plus i think there's too much focus on the way the dumper feels about language structure: i can even accept that some dumpers mean what they're saying, but honestly, why should we care so much about them? it's the other party who's hurt, and obviously they never hear rejection lines as kind, benevolent comments about how totally innocent they are regarding the failed or missed relationship. can you imagine any dumped person thinking "oh well, i'm crushed because my boy/girlfriend just left me, but - hey! - he/she said it wasn't my fault at all so at least i have that!" ? of course not. so let's adapt language to the feelings of those whose emotions are being beaten silly: i'm not dumping you because i need some time away from this mortal coil, i'm dumping you because i fucking hate your guts specifically. it's also often true.
it's a good system that you propose, i myself am quite fond of the blunt approach, usually along the lines of :

' Do piss off Fuckchops, you bore me, its's over '

Works like a charm. (But remember to duck and cover) ;)

Back to the subject of the bastardisation of our languages, i have particular hatred for the current langauage used by the youth culture of today, paticularly the whole 'Ali G' stlye phrases that have been adopted.. If i had a pound for everytime i heard some dirty little slut with huge earrings say 'awight mate, can ah ponce a fag off youz? innit, thas wikked' i'd be a millionaire.

I often envisage two of these peasants stuck in a constant loop of 'conversation' , one saying 'innit' while the other replies with 'izzit?' On the plus side at least that would keep them from trying to talk to me.. and i say 'talk' in the loosest possible sense...
Hey Jackie hamm, you misspelled millionaire, chief

EDIT: ^ edited

Well.. most of the common things that get on my tits have been pointed out by Rusty and others.
I'll just mention a few grammar errors that aren't as obvious and are committed even by decent speakers.

One is the misuse of 'I' and 'me'. I notice this with native AND non-native speakers quite a bit.
For example, "Me and my friends went to the store" is NOT correct. It should be "My friends and I..."
If you were to separate them it'd become obvious, as you do not say "me went to the store" without sounding retarded. I'll also point out that it is proper to put yourself ("I") after any other people in the subject part of your sentence.

Another one is the use of wrong words as the plural form of others. This is, of course, understandable in the case of non-native speakers.
The plural of 'radius' is NOT 'radiuses'
The plural of 'penis' is NOT 'penises'
The plural of 'stigma' is NOT 'stigmas'
The plural of 'equilibrium' is NOT 'equilibriums'

And yet another subtle but very common mistake is the misuse of 'is' and 'are' after the word 'there', like Rusty here has done:
Rusty said:
I'm relieved to hear it. You know what it's like when you come to a place for the first time (sort of) and there's a hundred new faces to remember (sort of). Ahem.
..that should be "there are", not "there is"


Oh, by the way, 25 points to whoever gives the correct plural form of each of those words I pointed out up there :q
MagSec4 said:
Oh, by the way, 25 points to whoever gives the correct plural form of each of those words I pointed out up there :q
i have to admit, i don't really know. i could check, but let's play: my guess is penis and stigma stay unchanged, equilibrium becomes equilibria, and possibly radius becomes radii...
did i manage to hit at least one of them?
Oh I'm aware I bugger that up. I don't know anyone who says "there're" though. :p


I'd be very surprised if radiuses, penises etc. don't appear in most new dictionaries now simply because they're used so much now.
MagSec4 said:
Oh, by the way, 25 points to whoever gives the correct plural form of each of those words I pointed out up there :q
i'm almost sure the plural of 'equilibrium' is 'equilibria'. as for the rest, i have no idea, but i can guess rahvin is right, as he always is. :bah: :rolleyes: :D :randomsmilie:
well, i checked and it turns out rusty was 100% correct, which means i only got two of them right. i should have thought of stigmata, in fact, but it somehow slipped from my mind. and now i also know how to properly say "ben and nick's penes go for a stroll", i'm so proud of such newfound knowledge...

as a side not, the dictionary also listed the +s plural as a viable solution, and in one case (equilibriums) even before the other one. :erk: sad to see a language getting indiscriminate and vague.
English and the damned ghettos ruin it! IF I hear "Nigga" or "blood" again, well.. i'll be pissed anddo nothing! But I could do without them!
Concerning Ali G; irony is wasted on the youth today ;) The intelligence you need to understand it just isn't there... :p
The silliest thing is when people start mixing Ali G talk with Swedish, like so many white, middleclass 14-year-olds, "fjortisar", do today... I can't keep a straight face whenever I hear someone talking like that, it's too ridiculous. "Ei mannen, typ potatismos i hooden, bah liksom aiiight?"
Oh yes, the "I was like 'no'" has it's Swedish equal: "jag ba 'nej'" :D