vanquish the pain
don't wanna dispirit you, but those were just basics. "real" linguistics is far more complicated. especially when it comes to syntax or semantics.
Yeah, I'm aware of that. Liguistics on the other hand is a vast field anyway. I'm afraid I only have a very general interest in all kinds of subjects that fall under category "linguistics" (etymology being an example).
Since you seem to be in your element here I'd like to seize the chance and ask whether you know the book "Abenteuer Sprache" by Störing? I have this chaotic pile of various notes (Zettelwirtschaft, whatever that translates to) with numerous booktitles I want to check out one of which is one I just mentioned. Just wondering if you happen to know it and can recommend it.
I don't know that much about it but I suppose that was kinda "cool" back then, like writing "cuz" instead of "cause" today!
Now that's an awesome theory