Least Favourite Opeth Track

MA does get real repetitive. I love the harmonized solo part though, it reminds me of F-Zero for some reason haha.
I think Dirge for November is underrated. It distubrs me, I really like it.
As for my least favorite song? hmmm... Probably Black Rose Immortal. I'm all up for long songs, but for me, 20 minutes is just too long.
Godhead59 said:
I think Dirge for November is underrated. It distubrs me, I really like it.
As for my least favorite song? hmmm... Probably Black Rose Immortal. I'm all up for long songs, but for me, 20 minutes is just too long.

I really like that song too. Mikaels growls are just fucking evil, plus its much more different that any other opeth song.

In you think 20 minutes is long, you should try listening to Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness. I got bored to hell listening to it.
steck ihn nei!

Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Illertal
Posts: 1,005 Weakness --> total beredom for me
Hours Of Wealth --> easily the weakest track on GR. the part with Mike singing to the keys is really annoying
Face Of Melinda --> the weakest track on SL. the forced rhymes suck and Mikes clean voice sounds a bit too gay for my taste

+ some other tracks which are not that exciting for me:
White Cluster, For Absent Friends, Still Day Beneath The Sun, Atonement, The Leper Affinity, Bleak and the half of Damnation...

these are just my opinions, so nobody should feel offended. "

these are among my favourite songs :p
I don't really like Grand Conjuration. It's way too repetitive and I can't stand the lyrics either. Sometimes it's nice to headbang too, but when I hear the riff a billion times in a row, I just want it to end!
I've really never liked "Deliverance." I think the awful intro just turns me off to the entire song. The soft part during the first verse is decent, but as a whole, I find the song to be pretty annoying. When I heard it live, I think I liked it even less. They dragged the already tiresome ending out at least another 3 minutes. Brutal.

And "Black Rose Immortal" is one of my favorite Opeth songs. I don't know how anybody couldn't like the last 11 minutes of that song.
Yeah, it probably wasn't any longer than the album version, but it definitely seemed like it. Actually, I really don't care for the whole Deliverance album. When I'm in the mood for Opeth, I never even consider this album. Aside from "A Fair Judgement," nothing on it really stands out.
Sickman said:
I've really never liked "Deliverance." I think the awful intro just turns me off to the entire song. The soft part during the first verse is decent, but as a whole, I find the song to be pretty annoying. When I heard it live, I think I liked it even less. They dragged the already tiresome ending out at least another 3 minutes. Brutal.

And "Black Rose Immortal" is one of my favorite Opeth songs. I don't know how anybody couldn't like the last 11 minutes of that song.
I don't think anyone has a problem with the actual riffage in BRI, just probably the song's actual structure. I agree with you though, BRI is one awesome song, randomly structured or not.

As for Deliverance, I don't know why you consider the intro to be awful, I think its heavy as hell... but the song really does drag on to long. I think that if that someone were to cut out the un-necessary filler or the riffs that have been repeated over 20 times, the song would be so much better.