Least Favourite Opeth Track

I just find the first 24 seconds of "Deliverance" to be almost unlistenable. Since I've been thinking about this, I've listened to this song about 4 times in the last half hour. If they had just started the song at the 25 second mark, I don't think I'd look at it as being so bad. I just don't like "duh duh duh ... duh duh duh ... duh duh duh." And then the high notes being played by the other guitar really grate on my nerves. It just doesn't seem like the right riff when there's double bass drumming going on underneath it. None of it goes together in my mind when I hear it.
I love the intro to Deliverance.

Least favorites... Uhm...

Black Rose Immortal, because I STILL think it's long for the sake of being long, but that's ok... I just don't really like it much.

The Night and the Silent Water, because it seems to just lumber around except for the one nice acoustic section.

The Moor, because everyone likes it and I like pissing em off. :p
Nah, in reality, I just don't like how the lyrics go with the music in it. It makes me cringe. And the opening is unnessecarily long, I'd like to hear music if that's okay.

Everything else is pretty much alright, even though some of the tracks on Damnation are :erk: .
Hard to say...I really loathe Beneath the Mire though, whereas the other Opeth tracks I don't like, I just simply don't like. It's got to be BtM....except the awesome riffs and solos toward the end.
Only a few tracks I could rarely skip over. Keep in mind I like them.... just not as much as the others.

Harvest - Sorry never could get into the song.
By The Pain I See In Others - To diffrent for my liking.
Ending Credits
The grand cnojuration - not saying i dont love it, i love the drumming and solos but do do do, do do do, do do do, do do do. Gets boring. But this is the only one that stands out as below opeth standard.

Also i dont see why everyone goes mental when they dont play the drapery falls, at download i was really glad they played lepper affiinity instead.

And i love weakness, i dont know why everyone finds it boring, it really brings out mikaels vocals.
Thanks (though I rarely let people get away with calling me Jimmy :p )! It's not that I don't like them, really. It's just a matter of playing them enough to get familiar with the songs. But when I'm constantly putting in GR, or BWP, or SL... the rest don't get much play.
Haha that's true JAMES:lol: Opeth is preventing me listening to a lot of music right now... I have 1 or 2 month phases where Opeth is virtually all I listen to. Some day I'll get tired of it,but I'll keep going til then!
I don't get how Still Day Beneath the Sun can be one of your favorites and Patterns in the Ivy II can be one of your least favorites. They're very similar, except Patterns in the Ivy II is slightly superior imo.
MegaMoose said:
I don't get how Still Day Beneath the Sun can be one of your favorites and Patterns in the Ivy II can be one of your least favorites. They're very similar, except Patterns in the Ivy II is slightly superior imo.

hey those songs are dam good, but my favs are god's head lament, moonlapese vertigo, master's apprentices, wreath, black water park, bleak, still day beneath the sun, deliverance, karma, appostle in triumph !! ahhh i cant decide
MegaMoose said:
I don't get how Still Day Beneath the Sun can be one of your favorites and Patterns in the Ivy II can be one of your least favorites. They're very similar, except Patterns in the Ivy II is slightly superior imo.
Look at the lyrics, melodies, etc. and you will see they are completely different songs.