Melodic death Metal

In Flames get a lot of shit around here. I think they're pretty fucking great, though.
Soilwork are pretty good. The two really don't compare...
In Flames was an amazing band up through Colony, which is one of my favorite albums of all time, in any genre. The energy on the album is almost unmatchable. Clayman is very good, but portentous of where the band was headed, and Reroute solidified it. Total downward spiral, as they "Shifted the melodies from the guitars to the vocals" (Anders Friden). Too many bands in this genre end up going new metal via huge choruses and two note riffs or electronic implementation or both.

I lost interest in this genre because I can't find any bands that actually write ass kicking riffs. Insomnium write some cool riffs now and again, come to think of it.

Must have for any mdm fan:notworthy
Yea thats about all I had to say. I'm not expecting too much from it which is why I didn't decide to buy it. However when i reel in cash in the future I'll be buying plenty of albums.

Edit: But for now I make do with what I have. I'm sorry I can't spend all my money at the moment buying every album in the world, so if you have to shame upon me for that, then I apologize for your inconvenience. It shouldn't be that big of a deal. I buy shirts when I need them anyway, I don't gota whole lot of shirts at all and well yea...
New DT album is growing on me. The Fatalist is a pretty decent track.

Good to hear, its a solid album. Most of the songs have grown on me, thats what I love about DT. At first listen their songs always sounds descent, but I always end up loving them after a while.
In Flames was an amazing band up through Colony, which is one of my favorite albums of all time, in any genre. The energy on the album is almost unmatchable. Clayman is very good, but portentous of where the band was headed, and Reroute solidified it. Total downward spiral, as they "Shifted the melodies from the guitars to the vocals" (Anders Friden). Too many bands in this genre end up going new metal via huge choruses and two note riffs or electronic implementation or both.

I lost interest in this genre because I can't find any bands that actually write ass kicking riffs. Insomnium write some cool riffs now and again, come to think of it.

My freind is telling me to give Colony a try, so I think I might. Also I think the other day on Ministry Of Metal, Zeph played this interesting track from Whoracle
The Jester Race is pretty good however. But I'll also give everything else before Colony a try as well, I have a feeling I might not be let down on it, unless alot of people are willing to detest to that.
I have a feeling I might not be let down on it, unless alot of people are willing to detest to that.

This sentence just blew my mind. I was under the impression you were a native English speaker...

Everything up through Clayman is very much worth hearing. Lunar Strain and Subterranean have a darker,almost BMish feel. Clayman and Colony are both pretty upbeat and poppy, but still very metal and completely devoid of the nu-metal stuff that appeared on Soundtrack and Reroute. Whoracle is definitely their heaviest album, although also definitely not the best. Very good.

I really like Come Clarity and A Sense Of Purpose, but most people won't and I wouldn't recommend them as melodic death metal. Reroute To Remain is fucking awful; I like both of the singles (Trigger and Cloud Connected), but the rest of the album is just awful. Soundtrack is also pretty horrible, but there are at least four songs from it I like. I would avoid both, though.

Priority should be:

The Jester Race
Lunar Strain/Subterranean (if you're not cool like me, you can get them packaged together)

Of course, you'll just be a fag and download them all, then figure out what Andy's opinion is and rephrase it to sound dumber, but that's your problem. :p