Melodic death Metal

swampsong, not swamplord, is the best by far.

It is a fucking killer record (and Moon of My Nights might be one of their best songs ever), but it doesn't top Swamplord for me. That albums is just a fucking powerhouse.

As far as some new original melodic death metal goes, I'm getting more and more into Hollenthon. I still need to purchase their debut full-length, but With Vilest of Worms to Dwell and Opus Magnum are fucking incredible. The guitar riffs are very cool, and the symphonic passages are great as well; not too cheesy, but very powerful and majestic.
Children Of Bodom
Dark Tranquility
In Flames
Arch Enemy
Into Eternity (though their genre has been debated)

I don't think In Flames or DevilDriver are melodic deathmetal

DevilDriver sounds kinda like a mix between groove metal and melodic death metal, to me at least. I'd call some of their songs (like "Not All Who Wonder Are Lost") melodic death metal.
Yes! Someone else who realizes that Mirrorworlds is better than Velvet. Demons ftw

this is crazy talk.

Also, Omnium Gatherum is one of the few bands in the Gothenburg genre that is actually fucking awesome (first two albums are brilliant, probably the pinnacle of the subgenre--though I wouldn't include stuff like A Velvet Creation in the debate since it is way more death metal oriented). Their third album was crap though, IMO; however, I am just listening to the latest and it actually sounds pretty good. Not as good as the first two (at least on first listen) but proof that this style of music can still sound sound fresh and interesting.
The old Swedish scene was absolutely full of short lived bands that actually released quality albums without completely forgetting that they were playing a form of Death Metal.

Anyone who considers themselves a fan of this sub-genre should trace the roots and familiarize themselves with these names: A Canorous Quintet, A Mind Confused, Ablaze My Sorrow, Cardinal Sin, Ceremonial Oath, Chastisement, Crown of Thorns, Decameron, Desultory, Embracing, Eternal Lies, Eucharist, Excretion, Gates of Ishtar, Godgory, Hypocrite, Infernal Gates, Miscreant, Sacrilege, Scheitan, The Moaning and Unanimated.

Early stuff is better in all cases.

Agreed. First time I have seen Canorous mentioned. They released some great material.
I think everyone needs to go back and read MalignParidigm's post since those are actual death metal bands.
I don't think In Flames or DevilDriver are melodic deathmetal
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean new In Flames.

Hence this entire confusion that needs remedying.
chuj666 suggested Melodic Alternative Metal and frankly I think that's perfect. Pretty much exactly what it is.

Devildriver, isnt that some shitty metalcore? Also, In Flames used to be melodic death metal but now is considered faggotcore.
When you say things like this it's hard to take you seriously.
Devildriver are groove metal, good if you like that stuff. In Flames now play what I will now call "melodic alternative metal," their latest has no metalcore at all in it. If you consider anything with clean singing and emotion-oriented lyrics (i.e. 90% of all rock music) gay, then I guess it is faggot melodic alternative metal, but that'd make you a moron.

Insomnium's Above the Weeping World is a very catchy melodic death metal album.
Everything I've heard from Insomnium has been great. I plan on getting that one soon.
However, if I remember correctly it's not the Fredrik Johansson who was in Dark Tranquility, it's another guy with the same name they met in school.