Metal bands whose music you don't like but whom you respect as artists

Manic Ferocity

Active Member
Nov 5, 2006
Title of the thread says it all. Feel free to explain why about the bands you mention.

I'll start with Opeth. They're lousy songwriters and I don't care for Akerfeldt's clean or harsh vocals. I respect them because they're honestly a great gateway band and I wouldn't have explored as much Swedish death metal if it hadn't been for them.
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yeah i agree about Opeth and Agalloch
although im glad i listened some swedish death with more substance in the beginning and not Opeth
I think I might feel similarly about a lot of that British-style death/doom, but I also haven't spent a whole lot of time listening to it.

Starkweather is another one for me. Their music is punishing and brutal while also being really uniquely written and almost "cinematic" at times. Unfortunately the vocals ruin it for me. If it's not the whiny cleans that sound like Korn, it's the really grating and unpleasant harsh vocals.
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opeth are the opposite for me. i like them, sometimes a lot, but don't have much respect for them.

I know what you mean. I go through phases where I either find their music extremely boring, or I absolutely dig the atmosphere/vibe of their older/mid-era material. Their fall nostalgia sound sometimes has me listening to their albums on repeat while taking in the autumn air and the changing colors of the foliage. I understand why people like them, but they really arent that good.

As per the topic, Dream Theater is the band that most immediately comes to mind. Most of the time their music is sappy as fuck, but the musical talent of the band is extremely impressive.

Honestly I can see this despite being a huge fan. Their anachronistic technology vibe can be somewhat esoteric, but I cant ever seem to get enough of it.
Dream Theater is what every pretentious guitar virtuoso I've ever met loves so I can't respect them. That might be unfair but tough shit.
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I'm having a hard time with this. There are plenty of bands that I don't respect but have made music that I like, but that's the opposite of what this thread is about.
I don't really understand the concept of "respect" within the context of musical acts anyways. Metrics like influence and innovation are largely objective, so using those as reasons for respecting a given band seems pointless since either 1) a listener fails to respect all bands of influence therefore making the metric meaningless in the context of respect or 2) it doesn't even need to be said that you respect a given band since as long as it is known that those metrics create respect in your mind, it is implied.
I don't really understand the concept of "respect" within the context of musical acts anyways. Metrics like influence and innovation are largely objective, so using those as reasons for respecting a given band seems pointless since either 1) a listener fails to respect all bands of influence therefore making the metric meaningless in the context of respect or 2) it doesn't even need to be said that you respect a given band since as long as it is known that those metrics create respect in your mind, it is implied.
so youre saying if a person doesnt respect a band that is extremely influential they can be prove objectively wrong?
I'm saying that when objective metrics are used to determine respect, it undermines the value of said respect if subjective preferences ultimately are a deciding factor. For example, I think most can agree that Korn was a very influential band with a sound that was once fairly unique. How many people that respect other bands they may not enjoy also respect Korn? "Bands you appreciate certain elements of, but do not enjoy listening to" makes more sense than respect in this context.