Metal bands whose music you don't like but whom you respect as artists

no, memes aside you legitimately lack fucking comprehensive skills if you think the way you do
let me lay it out in an even more elementary way

i cant prove hes racist, because hes not
but many people think he is racist
so i used the assumption of the majority to further my original point
no, memes aside you legitimately lack fucking comprehensive skills if you think the way you do
let me lay it out in an even more elementary way

i cant prove hes racist, because hes not
but many people think he is racist
so i used the assumption of the majority to further my original point

How am I retarded and how do I lack comprehensive skills? I probably read more books than you do. You said Varg is and is not racist in the same thread. I'm sorry I called you out but shit please be okay with being stupid dude
no that doesnt make sense
you can love some tunes a band puts out but disrespect the band members
like "yeah this band puts out some consistently good MUSIC, but the fact that the band supports rapist makes me disrespect them"
theoretical of course

thats not true at all, there has to be a lot of people that, for example
love vargs music, hates his national socialist opinions
therefor, likes the music but disrespects the artist

ok you said something about tom araya who, as you said, says racist stuff but isnt a racist
varg is a racist, so his words arent just "on a page"
you dont have a point

no re read what i said
i know that, i was just using the term racist in that regard as a lot of people would so i wouldnt have to get into a discussion like this because it gets convoluted

im very proud of my heritage and get called racist for it a lot

Okay so how am I a hypocrite with this? You have said yourself that you are racist and that Varg is not racist.
No, I can fucking read. I have quoted you multiple times and yet you don't want to admit you're wrong. Would you like me to prove you wrong again using empirical evidence?
admit what?
i literally agree with you that varg isnt racist
i really dont understand how youre not getting this
again for the fifth time
i said varg was racist the FIRST time to provide an example of what a majority would think
but i personally KNOW he isnt racist at all
it was PURELY to provide AN EXAMPLE

so go ahead and using evidence to support something i already agree with
yeah, no you didnt
you quoted me saying exactly what i just said in this post
i didnt say i was a racist i said i get called a racist for the same thing that varg gets called a racist for

there was no point in this discussion where i openly said I was a racist
i did openly say varg was a racist, but that was only to adhere to what the majority of people think so i can just provide an example
although I MYSELF do no think he is a racist, i thought my opinion on the matter at the time was irrelevant
what the fuck?
both posts are literally saying the same thing lol
"no, i cant prove hes a racist"
"i cant prove hes racist"

this proves you dont know how to read i guess
what the fuck?
both posts are literally saying the same thing lol
"no, i cant prove hes a racist"
"i cant prove hes racist"

this proves you dont know how to read i guess

No, it proves you cannot prove he is racist even though you say he is racist. You have what is called cognitive dissonance
no, memes aside you legitimately lack fucking comprehensive skills if you think the way you do
let me lay it out in an even more elementary way

i cant prove hes racist, because hes not
but many people think he is racist
so i used the assumption of the majority to further my original point

no, i cant prove hes a racist either
i dont think he is and i dont think theres any proof

Again with you contradicting yourself. If you think he is racist, do you think he's not racist?
ok fuck it ill sit down and explain it a little further because you have a serious fucking brain defect or something idk
varg is a racist
this is me saying, for the first and only time, varg is a racist
i said this only as an example to prove another point
i know that a lot of people do believe varg is racist, which is way i said this
i got into the mind of the majority
(at this time and every time before and after in no way shape or form think varg is a racist)

im using "racist" as lot of people would to describe him so i dont convolute my point
this is me, for the first time, explaining that
(at this time and every time before and after in no way shape or form think varg is a racist)

im not trying to prove that he is racist because hes not
i was using the term racist to describe him early because too many people actually believe he is because of his views, and i didnt want to get into a debate about whether or not he was because that wasnt the point of the original argument

varg ISNT a racist, and i dont THINK he is, but since a lot of people think he is i decided to use that as an example earlier
this is me, for the second time, explaining that
(at this time and every time before and after in no way shape or form think varg is a racist)

i cant prove hes racist, because hes not
but many people think he is racist
so i used the assumption of the majority to further my original point
this is me, for the third time, explaining that
(at this time and every time before and after in no way shape or form think varg is a racist)

the string of words "i cant prove hes racist" exist in the same context of both of these posts
i cant prove hes racist, because hes not

ok fuck it ill sit down and explain it a little further because you have a serious fucking brain defect or something idk
varg is a racist
this is me saying, for the first and only time, varg is a racist
i said this only as an example to prove another point
i know that a lot of people do believe varg is racist, which is way i said this
i got into the mind of the majority
(at this time and every time before and after in no way shape or form think varg is a racist)

im using "racist" as lot of people would to describe him so i dont convolute my point
this is me, for the first time, explaining that
(at this time and every time before and after in no way shape or form think varg is a racist)

im not trying to prove that he is racist because hes not
i was using the term racist to describe him early because too many people actually believe he is because of his views, and i didnt want to get into a debate about whether or not he was because that wasnt the point of the original argument

varg ISNT a racist, and i dont THINK he is, but since a lot of people think he is i decided to use that as an example earlier
this is me, for the second time, explaining that
(at this time and every time before and after in no way shape or form think varg is a racist)

i cant prove hes racist, because hes not
but many people think he is racist
so i used the assumption of the majority to further my original point
this is me, for the third time, explaining that
(at this time and every time before and after in no way shape or form think varg is a racist)

the string of words "i cant prove hes racist" exist in the same context of both of these posts, and therefor cant be contradictory like you said they were
which is pretty good proof you dont really read
i cant prove hes racist, because hes not
no, i cant prove hes a racist either

this is about as well as i can lay down what i said, and why, in chronological order