Metal In the Mainstream


Sep 18, 2006
Los Angeles
Seeing the thread on My Name is Earl sparked an interesting thought....How much Metal do we come across on Movies or T.V.? Let everyone know what you saw in Mainstream media that was Metal :headbang:

Example would be spotting a t-shirt on a show or movie. Or seeing the Goth girl in a gum commercial.
There is an old Jennifer connely movie(when she was a girl), its an old as Italian horror movie, and there is a scene, a very LONG as scene where they play an Iron Maiden song. I know its from Powerslave but cant remember which one. they almost play the whole song. Very cool and trippy.
TBJ said:
There is an old Jennifer connely movie(when she was a girl), its an old as Italian horror movie, and there is a scene, a very LONG as scene where they play an Iron Maiden song. I know its from Powerslave but cant remember which one. they almost play the whole song. Very cool and trippy.

That would be the Dario Aregento movie, Phenomena. Weird movie. Good call.

Oh yeah, I was watching some cheesy sci-fi flic the the other day called The Cave. In the ending credits Nightwish's Nemo plays. There was also some sort of nature program on INHD where they just cruise through cool and remote nature sights by helicopter or something and just play music over the footage. I heard Nightwish's Walking in the Air on that show too.
How about during Talladega Nights, during the big race scene at the end of the movie, they play Silent Scream by Sepultura. That about blew me out of my seat.
There is a new movie out A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints in the commercial they use BACK IN THE NEW YORK GROOVE by Ace Frehley.
I saw a CSI ( think it was CSI ) commercial recently where they are using one of the tracks from the new Lacun Coil in the commerical.

In the first season or two of Sopranos AJ has a Nevermore poster up in his bedroom.

In the music beds on Howard Stern I've heard Solitude Aeturnus, Dream Theater and Nevermore.
In the music beds on Howard Stern I've heard Solitude Aeturnus, Dream Theater and Nevermore.[/QUOTE]

I wonder if Richard Christie had something to do with that.
Two really subtle metal injections on popular TV that I still remember. In like 1999 when MTV was doing some movie special on that movie The Faculty, they talked to Usher and the entire time he was on camera Bruce Dickinson's The Tower was playing in the background. They cut out the vocals but you can recognize that bass intro from a mile away.

Also in 2000, when MTV had that lame ass karaoeke show Say What? They were doing some Spring Break special. When they introduced some chick they played Helloween's "I Can" in the background. Again it was without vocals but I recognized it as soon as it started. Keep in mind these were awhile back and they were some really "non hit" songs, even for metal. I know there's someone over there that has hope.
The game Vampire Bloodlines had a Lacuna Coil Comalies poster in the room you stayed in the first area. Was one of the first things when they started "making" it. Also a decent soundtrack overall for that game.
There's also the disaster that was Alone in the Dark. Nightwish's Wish I Had An Angel is on the soundtrack. Dimmu Borgir, Strapping Young Lad, Dark Tranquility, In Flames and a bunch of other rock & metal bands are on it
Anyone ever notice the posters in the childrens' rooms in the Sopranos? Nevermore, Moonspell, Stuck Mojo, etc. It's like someone donated a bunch of Century Media posters to the show so they'd have something to put on the walls.

Supposedly one of the kids on Home Improvement wore a Neurosis shirt once.

And supposedly they mentioned Carcass on Friends once. But from I gathered, it wasn't a reference to the actual band, but just a generic metal sounding band name they came up with for a joke.
In the theatrical trailer for Hellboy, the epic beginning from Dimmu Borgir's "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" and also a part from "Eradication Instincts Defined" were used. What was most interesting is that they had to have been licensed well before the CD was released.
rockyracoon said:
Oh yeah, I was watching some cheesy sci-fi flic the the other day called The Cave. In the ending credits Nightwish's Nemo plays. There was also some sort of nature program on INHD where they just cruise through cool and remote nature sights by helicopter or something and just play music over the footage. I heard Nightwish's Walking in the Air on that show too.

Nightwish also had a song at the end of Alone In The Dark (Yes I actually suffered through the whole horrible movie). I think it was "If I Had An Angel".

There was an old "B" rated flick that had a scene where WASP was onstage singing Tormentor. I think it was one of the Beastmaster movies. There was an episode of "Law and Order" where the cops questioned a kid who was in his room listening to Steelheart, although that may not count as metal (but I do like Steelheart).
Wow, there's some sharp ears and eyes around here! The only thing I've noticed recently is that Motley Crue's Girls, Girls, Girls was being played during a party on a One Tree Hill episode. Uh oh, I'm not sure if I should've admitted to that! :lol:

Also, the guy that played Joey's nephew on the now defunct show, Joey, was wearing a Whitesnake shirt during one episode.
ratanda said:
It's like someone donated a bunch of Century Media posters to the show so they'd have something to put on the walls.

Don't you think labels send promo materials to all the stations for the slight chance that they might get used in a scene or a track might get played in a promo?

I am sure that's exactly what happened there.