Miscellaneous movie thread

Why is it that some people go to the cinemas to see a movie, that is OBVIOUSLY going to be crap, then complain later that it was crap. Why do people waste their money in the first place?

More to the point, why is their such a terrible ratio 1:30 (or worse?) of good/junk films being produced these days? (Not that it always hasn't been this way...you could say the same for the music industry)

Anyway I've hired out some good Aussie films to watch over the week. Nothing beats a good Aussie film. For those interested - Ghosts Of The Civil Dead, Bad Boy Bubby, amongst others.
Sydo said:
There was a crappy action movie on after the cricket the other night.. A Better Way To Die. It was good. That is all.

I was watching that a work without the sound on. It just seemed to go on and on and on and on. Everytime something climactic happened, there would be another scene with gunplay and explosions two minutes later.
Goreripper said:
I was watching that a work without the sound on. It just seemed to go on and on and on and on. Everytime something climactic happened, there would be another scene with gunplay and explosions two minutes later.

Yep. Endless, pointless violence. I like how the good guy twice escaped via a toilet. :wave:
I didn't like the Texas remake... Not just because I'm a huge fan of the original (fave movie ever) but because even as a stand alone horror film, the 2nd half was putrid. It started pretty good and I was enjoying it on its own merrits, by the 2nd half though it was ruined by that modern teen slasher vibe - big orchestrated Hollywood music score while a TV soapie chick runs, hides, runs, hides, etc. Crap. Gimme a sweaty, claustrophobic, grainy looking depiction of a woman being mentally tormented at a dinner table with only a soundtrack of strange animal noises and windchimes etc any day!!!
Rob: Plan 9 is the 3rd film (or 2nd?) made by Edward Wood, hailed as the worst director of all time. To give you an idea of how bad this film is:
- The space ships are made from paper plates
- The top billed star is Bela Lugosi who died before it was made, but they tacked a reel of HOME FOOTAGE of him in his garden onto the start of the film
- They had a tall skinny guy who looked nothing like Bela Lugosi pretend he was Bela for the rest of the movie, covering his face with his coat
- It was funded by a church group who made them change the title from "Grave Robbers from Outer Space" to "Plan 9 from Outer Space"

I have the first Edward Wood film, which is called "Glen or Glenda". It has no narrative structure at all almost. It is supposed to be about a guy called Glen who is a cross dresser and has to deal with breaking the news to his girlfriend. But somewhere along the way (prob to fill 70 minutes and make it a movie) it goes into some psychologist just telling someone about cross dressers, an unrelated 10 minute softcore '40s lesbian porn reel inserted into the middle for no reason, Bela Lugosi sitting on a chair rambling on about pulling strings, while stock footage of sheep & cattle plays in the background!!!!
Hey has anyone seen Ong Bak? It's a Thai movie, and is similar to something Jackie Chan might make.
A friend showed me some scenes from it after going on about it for a while. Martial arts film that uses no tricks (wires, special effects, stunt doubles, etc), just pure martial arts skill. Some pretty amazing stuff. I hear Tony Jaa (the star of the film) is one reason Jet Li has decided to no longer make martial arts films...he says he is too old and guys like Jaa are the future.
Yeah what you said is true. Didn't know about Jet Li saying that though. Tony Jaa is indeed the future for that kind of thing; he's seriously good at it. He might not fully catch on over here unless he starts making movies in English, as many Australians don't seem to like anything that's not in English.

Speaking of, why is Memoirs of a Geisha or whatever it's called filmed in English, with Chinese actors? Stupid.
But Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is a CLASSIC!

Kevin Costner for president!

That shot with the flaming arrow is one of the greatest moments in cinematic history.