Miscellaneous movie thread

Yeah it seemed a bit odd... I mean I can understand Edmund's reasoning, but it's not like he really had to try to convince the others. It was basically "we have to fight cause she's evil" and then bam... they fight

Mind you, I still think the movie rocked
You guys have obviously never loved a lion as much as those kids did. I'd go into battle for a big friendly talking lion like that.

I thought it was a good movie (loved all the books as a kid), but am getting a bit bored of battle scenes these days. Btw it's not called Narnia any more than The Fellowship of the Ring was called The Lord of the Rings.

Having a guy from Sherwood Forest with an American accent is just gay. I did enjoy the film though. :)

Where was The Man in the Iron Mask set?
Alan Rickman would be in my top 3 actors of all time. He is an absolutely class act.

I love his response to that idiot:

Idiot: "I have to ask... why with a spoon?"
Rickman CHAMPION: "Because it's BLUNT. It'll HURT MORE."

or something like that.

Champion :kickass:
I was just given 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. I've wanted it for a while. It should give me lots of ideas for movies to check out. Has anyone else got it?
I also got one called 1001 Songs: The Great Songs of All Time. Both books seem pretty good. I'd like to get the album one too.
One thing that pissed me off about Narnia was when the little girl gave her brother the magic semen drink, he stopped dying.


what's with that?