Miscellaneous movie thread

Just got a widescreen HD screen so I'm looking forward to watching anything,heh, if only i can find some spare time...
Narnia is on my list too, Phlogiston.
This morning we watched Dogs in Space. What a fucking top movie. The only thing that bugged me about it was that it was set in 1978, but they kept playing "Shivers" by Boys Next Door which wasn't recorded until 1979. Everything else was so accurate it annoyed me that they got that wrong.
Watched Muppets from Space on Sunday. What a hilarious movie, I mean seriously, the muppets are champions.

"He left us behind the little shrimp!"
"I am not a shrimp! I am a KING PRAWN!"

I also went and saw Firewall last night, or as I like to call it "Spanglish 5". (If you're interested, Hitch is Spanglish 2, King Kong is Spanglish 3 and Fun With Dick and Jane is Spanglish 4).

So bad it was entertaining. Some of the lines were just flat out ridiculous. "BUT I WANT A PANCAKE!" oh man I cracked up. And willy. As if you name the most 'said aloud' character in the movie 'willy'. "Sit down willy. Shut up willy. Willy, willy, willy." HAHA Oh my god we were in tears.

It was a pretty eventful day at the cinema actually, we went and sat down and Joaquin Phoenix' name popped up. My mate said: "I never knew he was in this" and I laughed cos I realised that they were playing the wrong moviie. Everyone got up and left and we just sat in there because we hadn't seen it before and thought it would be a funny story to tell. But they fixed it after about 5 minutes - but we got 5 minutes of Walk the Line being the only ones in the cinema.

Pretty cool movie day in all actually.
I watched Buffalo Soldiers with Hwaakeen Feenix or whatever his name is the other night. It's about bored soldiers who get up to a bit of mischief. Very entertaining, so it's worth checking out, peoples.
Yeah he rules!

Speaking of, I watched Corpse Bride last night. Pretty good. Secret Window's the one where he's an author, yeah? I liked that one.

I watched Mr and Mrs Smith (Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt) the other night. Pretty silly and average really.
recently watched:

Unleashed (Jet Li,Morgan Freeman) - Great
BeCool - Not Bad
Over the last two weekends I sat down and finally watched all three extended editions of the Lord Of THe Rings movies.

They's some good movies. The extended versions make them even better than the "short" ones.