Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

Helstar - Swirling Madness 8/10
I pretty much like everything about this, especially the pacing, there's no fat to trim. Damn good song.

Mortuary Drape - Madness 6.5/10
For some reason this sounded very average to me, I haven't heard this album yet so I'm wondering if the rest of the songs are this forgettable. Not terrible though, just not doing much for me.

Deadly Blessing - Silent Madness 9/10
This blew me away, the singer has pipes and is a total maniac, he absolutely stole the show. Need.

Decapitated - Spheres Of Madness 3/10
Everything I tend to dislike about death metal in one song, but my distaste is somewhat lessened by it's blatant catchiness. Still, I'm not even a fan of this band, never have been, and even I've heard this song too many times in my life. That drumming is fucking horrid. Overproduced perfectionist clinical shit.

Necrodeath - At The Mountains Of Madness 7/10
I need this album, though this version's production sounds crummy. I remember it sounding way better, maybe it's just a bad reissue remastering job.

Emerald Steel - When Madness Wears A Crown 7.5/10
This is a pretty cool song, vocalist's sense of melody is a bit strange but by the end I'm convinced that it adds to the overall charm. Love the galloping parts.

Le Grand Guignol - Madness And Her Thousand Young 1/10
Kingdom Hearts Nightmare Town theme music with a weaksauce vocalist on top. Thematic. Singer looks like the hugest douche stereotype on earth to boot.

How Like A Winter - All The Seasons Of Madness 2/10
Jesus Christ two augistic tracks in a row? This was slightly better because it didn't have the gay carnival vibe going on, but the whole 'my girlfriend does back-up vocals in my band so we can hang together' vibe isn't that much better. At one point there was a "twinkle twinkle little star" keyboard bit, just... Cringe.

Blind Guardian - Fast To Madness 8/10
Probably my favourite song from this album, in any case it's up there.

Arkham Witch - At The Mountains Of Madness 6.5/10
Decent band, nothing special but quite rocking.

Wintersun - Winter Madness 5/10
My first thought is, this band would be instantly improved by having the vocals clean the whole time. I just can't see the appeal in this kind of overproduced symphonicmelodicextremepowermetalwithblastbeats style. That art is awesome.

Believer - Stop The Madness 7.5/10
Ha! I'm somewhat familiar with this band but I'd never heard that intro before and the significance of the song title. The vocalist kinda reminds me of John Tardy.
This was killer man. Please sir, may I have som'ore?
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Helstar - Swirling Madness

Good song but the second weakest on the album. The verses are pretty bad actually, lots of generic thrash chugging and the drumming and vocal melodies are both metronome-style. Thankfully everything else is quality. 6/10.

Mortuary Drape – Madness

Album has some great stuff, this one could have been a mediocre Bay Area thrash song circa 1984. 3/10.

Deadly Blessing - Silent Madness

Godly vocals, but it’s kinda weird how the thrashiest songs from non-thrash bands keep getting picked. Must be some weird unconscious thing that bands do. I prefer their most melodic songs over this one, but I don’t have any complaints aside from maybe that first guitar solo. 7/10.

Decapitated - Spheres of Madness

Fuck off wimps, this and Meshuggah are better than you. This is exactly how you do clinical tech-death right. Minimize the sweep-picking and blasting, just write good chugging rhythms and decorate them. 7/10.

Necrodeath - At the Mountains of Madness

Very good stuff, I mostly listen to their second album but need to put this one back on rotation, good riff quantity and the spooky slower bit towards the end was nice even if obviously Slayer-derived. Listening to this and Mortuary Drape in proximity has made me realize that black metal is the longest and most painful route from thrash metal to thrash metal. 7/10.

Emerald Steel - When Madness Wears a Crown

Solid but didn’t really engage me, they had the nice old-school synths at the beginning and the fruity vox and all but not really the melodies to make that style work, riffs were average. 6/10.

Le Grand Guignol - Madness and Her Thousand Young

Lmao what the fuck. Somehow this was listenable though, I actually liked the leads here, got better as it went on. My penis twitched a little at the moaning part. 5/10.

How Like A Winter - All The Seasons Of Madness

Well this playlist sure is taking a turn for the homosexual. It was inoffensive enough for me to forget about while listening though. 4/10.

Blind Guardian - Fast to Madness

Average. 5/10.

Arkham Witch - At the Mountains of Madness

Retro thrash >>>>> retro 70s. Total bore. 2/10.

Wintersun - Winter Madness

Almost considered skipping it immediately, I despise this album. Not completely as terrible as some of the other stuff, still flowery wank regardless. I was relieved to discover half of the video was just silence. 3/10.

Believer - Stop the Madness

The weakest thrash song on this album, but still an amazing display of riffs. Don’t do drugs. 8/10.
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Helstar - Swirling Madness - 7
great guitars, meh vocals

Mortuary Drape - Madness - 8
never heard of these guys but damn good shit

Deadly Blessing - Silent Madness - 7
great guitars, meh vocals #2

Decapitated - Spheres of Madness - 10
some death metal is supposed to sound like a cold and calculating killing machine

Necrodeath - At the Mountains of Madness - 8
and others sound more grimy and visceral

Emerald Steel - When Madness Wears a Crown - 6
great guitars, meh vocals #3

Le Grand Guignol - Madness and Her Thousand Young - 7
lol pretty cartoony but catchy

How Like A Winter - All The Seasons Of Madness - 8
haha i'm a sucker for beauty and the beast gothic metal

Blind Guardian - Fast to Madness - 8
god damn how many times has this album shown up

Arkham Witch - At the Mountains of Madness - 5
did not really grab me

Wintersun - Winter Madness - 7
cheesy as fuck but good. too long tho

Believer - Stop the Madness - 6
needs better production and more brutal vox
Last edited:
Helstar - Swirling Madness


This is awesome, despite being one of the lesser tracks from this album.

Mortuary Drape - Madness


This is pretty good. I like the other Mortuary Drape songs that I've heard a bit more than I like this one.

Deadly Blessing - Silent Madness


This is pretty solid.

Decapitated - Spheres of Madness


I don't like this. It sounds really stupid.

Necrodeath - At the Mountains of Madness


This is cool.

Emerald Steel - When Madness Wears a Crown


This was interesting. I often don't enjoy synths that much but it worked for me.

Le Grand Guignol - Madness and Her Thousand Young


No thanks.

How Like A Winter - All The Seasons Of Madness


No thank you, part 2.

Blind Guardian - Fast to Madness


I should buy some Blind Guardian albums soon.

Arkham Witch - At the Mountains of Madness


It's not bad. I think music like this is getting really trendy now.

Wintersun - Winter Madness


Fuck this.

Believer - Stop the Madness


I was expecting this to be bad, but I enjoyed it.
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I love arg's ratings because it's easier than all fuck to discern which one is his. Hint: it's always the one he gives the sole perfect rating to.
Helstar - Swirling Madness

Mortuary Drape - Madness

Deadly Blessing - Silent Madness

Decapitated - Spheres of Madness
Not too bad, for a bunch of CLICKITY-CLICK and CHUGGA-CHUG with some DOODLY-DEEDLY interspersed here and there.

Necrodeath - At the Mountains of Madness

Emerald Steel - When Madness Wears a Crown

Le Grand Guignol - Madness and Her Thousand Young
The music is complemented by the singer's funny-as-fuck gestures throughout the video. Mostly it was the fist pump/buck-buck chicken combo that did it for me.

How Like A Winter - All The Seasons Of Madness
Interesting, dynamic song structures. Too bad they only made one album.

Blind Guardian - Fast to Madness
Being honest here, this is kind of a ho-hum track from BG.

Arkham Witch - At the Mountains of Madness

Wintersun - Winter Madness
Just one of those bands in the vein of Kalmah or pre-suckage Children of Bodom that I never really got into. However, this has some great melodies.

Believer - Stop the Madness
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Lol, this is kind of funny.

Necrodeath - At the Mountains of Madness 7.5 (Slayed Necros)
Believer - Stop the Madness 7.08 (TechnicalBarbarity)
Helstar - Swirling Madness 7.0 (Elric of Omni)
Deadly Blessing - Silent Madness 7.0 (HBB)
Blind Guardian - Fast to Madness 6.92 (mutantllama)
Emerald Steel - When Madness Wears a Crown 6.83 (CIG)
Mortuary Drape - Madness 6.5 (Phylactery)
How Like A Winter - All The Seasons Of Madness 5.67 (Sgt.Grumbs)
Le Grand Guignol - Madness and Her Thousand Young 5.25 (dwellerITd)
Decapitated - Spheres of Madness 5.17 (arg)
Wintersun - Winter Madness 5.17 (lil ol' me)
Arkham Witch - At the Mountains of Madness 5.08 (Funerary_D)

SO here's the deal: I decided before this round if someone didn't rate they couldn't win. That eliminates Slayed Necros. TB is no longer here, so he's out. Then it falls to Elric and HBB who tied AND they both submitted ratings. Haha. I don't think this has ever happened before.

...In this case I suppose I can rate the two songs and decide who gets the tiebreaker? What say you?
If we're rolling with that:

Helstar - Somewhat ironic here is HBB actually introduced me to this band and this album, and he has submitted songs by them in the past. I like it quite a bit, good momentum, vocals and riffs. 8/10 easily.

Deadly Blessing - Damn these vocals at times are even better honestly. Funny thing: His voice cracks a bit on that first falsetto and then he sings "I have no control!" not sure if intentional lol. After that the vocals are great. Never heard of this band before. It's good and I think it just edges out the Helstar song because it takes more risks, which keeps me interested and wanting to hear more. 8.2/10

I hereby declare HamburgerBoy the winnar!!1 of gamez & stuff. Plus I will probably like his theme better, so gg

I'm wondering, as a bit of a change to this game, can we use structure/form as a theme? I'd like to pick "[The] ____ of the ____" if so, I think it would promise to give lots of epic trad and power shit. Obviously that wouldn't disqualify future songs following that form. Otherwise I'll have to think about it.
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I'm wondering, as a bit of a change to this game, can we use structure/form as a theme? I'd like to pick "[The] ____ of the ____" if so, I think it would promise to give lots of epic trad and power shit. Obviously that wouldn't disqualify future songs following that form. Otherwise I'll have to think about it.

I already know what song I would pick if this is your theme. I guess that I'll wait and see if @Carpe Mortem thinks that this is acceptable.