Most overrated and underrated bands ever

Motorhead ace of spades rocks so hard it's insanity.

Testament is overrated if anything.
>>>Motorhead ace of spades rocks so hard it's insanity.

Talk about a band living off the success of one song!

cookiecutter said:
My basis was more the whole metal scene, not just including here or extreme genres. There's a whole group of kids in my school who are all about Avenged Sevenfold, but haven't even heard of Hypocrisy. :(

Hhmmm... Just kill them.
(But it still doesnt mean Hypocrisy are underrated).
SheisMySin said:
>>>Motorhead ace of spades rocks so hard it's insanity.

Talk about a band living off the success of one song!


Just admit that you've never even heard Motorhead. Every single album they put out is good. Overrated my fucking balls. Nobody talks about Motorhead.
>>>Just admit that you've never even heard Motorhead.

lol - umm....yeah, and the reason is because the few times I've given them a chance, they totally fail to interest me in the slightest.

>>>Every single album they put out is good. Overrated my fucking balls. Nobody talks about Motorhead.

That's because they aren't worth talking about in this day and age...yet they still have this weird need to command respect based on whatever they used to be when they wrote Ace of Spades.
