Most overrated and underrated bands ever

then I would love to know what other bands are doing "Avant-garde jazz/metal" (as M-A has it), because I'm really enjoying the new album.

(and I was serious with that)
I like where Ephel Duath is going, I just don't believe they've made their fusion (EDIT: as a whole) work yet.

And yes the vocals are too much sometimes.
They have their flaws, accept it and pull your head out of their ass.

Unknown; I was probably just being an ass before but you seemed to just lump MOP in the category of just another decent thrash album. That album wasn't about non-stop full on thrash. It did new things for thrash/metal and it did it well.
Overrated - Nile. The Egyptian theme could be a really interesting twist, but it basically involves tossing in samples between what sounds like 8-year-olds thrashing on their older brothers' instruments.
overrated - ministry
underrated - slipknot because they were considered pop metal but i just consider it their style, the masks and shit was cool i thought, and they didn't sound like other nu metal shit
Zephyrus said:
Agreed, slightly edging Clayman.
Are you kidding? Clayman is quite mediocre. There are maybe three interesting songs on that album. I thought it was cool about five years ago when I first heard it, but it offers so little. Even Reroute to Remain is worlds better.

Colony is moderately good though. Like most IF albums, suffers from too much filler at the end of the album. Why do you think they rerecorded Behind Space?
Pull The Plug said:
They have their flaws, accept it and pull your head out of their ass.

Unknown; I was probably just being an ass before but you seemed to just lump MOP in the category of just another decent thrash album. That album wasn't about non-stop full on thrash. It did new things for thrash/metal and it did it well.

no worries! all is well
>>>I chose Darkness Descends over Master of Puppets because in terms of sheer speed/thrash metal, Darkness Descends is just non-stop

Dude, since when is pure speed equal to brilliant?

Every metal band out there is quite capable of throwing that speed at listeners, and MoP showed it could be every bit as fast and heavy without being stagnant and stuck in pure speed mode.

I never understand how people can like speed after speed after speed song. Haunted, Crown, Kreator, etc's like...guys...we get it, you can play fast every song in every record - how about something a LITTLE different?
