most overrated band in the history of forever?

mayhem. they all killed each other. great. doesn't make them a good listen.
Dream Theater for me.And I think Amon Amarth is a kickass band their songs are so fun to listen.Death in Fire and Asator ftw.
Although they aren't bad, I think Pagan's Mind gets far too much praise in some prog metal circles.

Call me crazy, but I think in order to be the "most overrated band in the history of forever" somebody OUTSIDE of prog metal circles needs to have at least heard of you. Which is my way of saying "neverheardof'em".

I vote for Pink Floyd. Not that they aren't great, I just don't think they're the epitome of musical innovation and genius, as so many people seem to believe. (If I spontaneously combust after posting this, you'll know that the Gods have struck me down and I should not have blasphemed.)
I vote for Pink Floyd. Not that they aren't great, I just don't think they're the epitome of musical innovation and genius, as so many people seem to believe. (If I spontaneously combust after posting this, you'll know that the Gods have struck me down and I should not have blasphemed.)

Nowadays, listening to Pink Floyd probably wouldn't seem like anything that special. In their day though, I think they were pretty influential and innovative.
Children Of Bodom. There's something about the Metal community that requires you to like this band if you ever want to be "teh br00talz", but I just don't care for them. Now, if you want to talk about retarded lyrics, then look no further than COB. Alexi Laiho writes like some war hungry 10-year-old about to go slay some Horde on World Of Warcraft.