most overrated band in the history of forever?

This topic should be moved in the Non Opeth music subforum

anyway IMO guns 'n roses, iron maiden,... a bit also pink floyd and pain of salvation; i love some of their songs, but i prefer respectively King Crimson and older Dream Theater

Maybe i just need to listen more to them, who knows...
Nirvana is why Cobain killed himself.

Cobain: Fuck... nobody will ever let me live down singing for in this band... time for the final solution. (Courtney walks in and kills Cobain, lol)

This topic should be moved in the Non Opeth music subforum

Lol, backseat moderators are like mall security guards.
in flames are good i just heard them too much so i really cant listen to them anymore
Definitely agree with Kiss and Nirvana.
Wtf at Led Zep and Pink Floyd, those bands were very influential.
I'd add Megadeth and Judas Priest to the list.
yeah tool suck ass, they make 3 songs, and 4 filler interludes, and the songs they make are not that great, ive received 2 albums for free, and they were both crap(lazaralus and 10 000 days)

Whoa, now. 10,000 Days sucks, I'll agree with that. But Lateralus and Ænima rule your mom. Undertow is great too.

Before the whole 10,000 Days thing, I regarded Tool as the only band still going that was up there with Opeth. Not so sure about that now, but I'll wait for their next album before I declare their best days are behind them.

On topic, I'll go with Children of Bodom.
in my country Rhapsody of Fire are REALLY overrated... almost every italian metalhead says they're the best italian band... (IMO Novembre is the best italian band)
Whoa, now. 10,000 Days sucks, I'll agree with that. But Lateralus and Ænima rule your mom. Undertow is great too.

Before the whole 10,000 Days thing, I regarded Tool as the only band still going that was up there with Opeth. Not so sure about that now, but I'll wait for their next album before I declare their best days are behind them.

On topic, I'll go with Children of Bodom.

The man is right about Tool. 10,00 Days was pretty bad

But Aenema in particular owns moms all around the world.
Led Zeppelin is overrated in regards to the praise for songs such as Rock N Roll and Whole Lotta Love (for many, the only 2 songs they know). But they are still underrated in regards to their gentle epics such as Ten Years Gone and The Rain Song.

Similarly Pink Floyd is overrated in terms of The Wall and DSotM (well, Money IMO, love the rest) whereas Animals is completely underrated.

LZ and PF are probably my favourite 2 bands. You really get sucked in to their respective catalogues and that's why opinions seem very black and white in their cases. Anyone not impressed however, I'd suggest giving them a listen of Achilles Last Stand and Dogs.

Away from metal, I've never understood the huge following for The Killers.
I think DSoTM is overrated too, but The Wall deserves it's praise. I think all the Waters era deserves every bit of praise, and then some. Ofc Animals is underrated, but so is The Final Cut if not more so. The only band from the era that still has a modern sound. They were way ahead of their time, and still did more than %99.9 of bands to this day.

Tool definitely deserves their praise. They constantly push limits, and still manage to receive mainstream recognition. It's truly an accomplishment.
lol, Rush may be overrated but only amongst music enthusiasts. Go to a person on the street and ask if they like Rush; they'll think it's the new Ice or something.
lol, Rush may be overrated but only amongst music enthusiasts. Go to a person on the street and ask if they like Rush; they'll think it's the new Ice or something.
Despite their huge discography most people only know the songs Tom Sawyer, Limelight, Closer to the Heart, and maybe The Spirit of the Radio.