Throbbing Member
how dare you. Camel are my second favourite band after opeth.
Ass-sucking is an equal-opportunity concept that favors no one genre (with the possible exception of rap)
Irony is a bitch, huh?Every once in a while, try sucking your head out of that enormous bucket of sand you carry with you wherever you go and DARE to check out something different for a change! Challenge yourself every now and then, you may just surprise yourself...
This is what turned a perfectly sensible post into a ridiculous one.
Irony is a bitch, huh?
*thumbsup*Is anyone else sick of myopic, pusillanimous poltroons who think they're being all hard and dark by farting out witless inanities like "anything commercial is overrated"? I mean, why not just walk around 24/7 with a giant, neon "Jackass" sign flashing above your head?! It's the only possible way of outing yourself as an utter fucktard any quicker!
Still, I suppose I really should pity dolts like this rather than loathe them. After all, they're the ones who have to stumble through life missing out on soooooo much cool shit just so they can prove to the world how much more "metal" they are than anyone else! Pheeeeuuuuwwww...uke:
This just in, zippy, fucking phenomenal, so-called "commercial music" (taking your definition of "commercial" to mean anything with the merest suggestion of melody that's sold more than a hundred copies) is all around us, and has greatly influenced most of the musicians you purport to admire. Mikael loves stuff like Vangelis and the Scorpions, for crissakes, as well as the Beatles! Freakin' RECOGNIZE already! Of course, there's no shortage of "commercial"music that truly sucks ass, just as there's definitely no shortage of lame-ass death metal. Ass-sucking is an equal-opportunity concept that favors no one genre (with the possible exception of rap). Every once in a while, try sucking your head out of that enormous bucket of sand you carry with you wherever you go and DARE to check out something different for a change! Challenge yourself every now and then, you may just surprise yourself... or not. :Smug:!
I dig 4 out of 5. (Fuck slayer). But yeah, they are overrated.Slayer
Eric Clapton