Mustachioed mystery

Oh, that explains it. You see, I thought that is what he meant when he said "Still Life." He just misspelled it. Understandable. But you'd think the people using the forum would at least have experienced some semblance of primary education, to the point where they can spell simple words such as wife. On second thought...
mike looks alright eitehr way but i definitly perfer his stash and beard thing

To each his own! Some men like their Mikaels a wee bit grizzly, some like a more baby-faced Mikael. Demigod, you are entitled to your opinion and I am glad you think that a mustachioed Mikael is the hottest thing since ballet dancing and eye brow tweezing.
It looks kind of stupid IMO
In this pic he looks like Ron Perlman in Beauty and the Beast...