Name some albums/bands you can't stand but get endless praise.

But I like The Chasm, Miasma and Demigod. :cry:

Actually to be honest, I haven't given them a listen in a while. I guess that'll be next on my playlist.
I'll go for the opposite here. One band I quite like (but understand why everyone else hates) is Himsa. lol don't ask why, I just think they're catchy :)
Led Zeppelin. respect their influence and pioneering, but the wandering and seemingly drunken aimless guitar and singing bore the crap out of me. it sounds like they just hit record and made things up. occasionally these things make sense in an awesome way, but mostly sounds like uncollected thoughts.
Pain Of Salvation

Demiurge said:
, Nattens Madrigal is judged too harshly by most black metal fans.

I agree, I really like it. The recording enhances the theme of the album.
I agree with Esoteric. As soon as I need the room on my HDD that stuff goes out the door. Bores me to no end.

Darkthrone. In particular Transylvanian Hunger *yawn*

Judas Priest / Iron Maiden - agreed that some is overrated, but they are classic bands with some killer releases'

Blut Aus Nord = Not That Good

Mercyful Fate's - Don't Break the Oath; Melissa is much better than this inconsistent, 'moments of glory' release.

I'm also with Doden on the Demilich one. Nespithe is the most overrated death metal album I've heard. Musically, its pretty damn good, but the vocals are almost intolerable and there are many better release floating about.

Messhugah - FUCK YES. I hate them, they suck.

And for the record, I know some of you think Under the Sign of the Black Mark is the best Bathory - wrong, its Blood Fire Death :P

Oh, and ALL grind is overrated. Got boring much?
Good call on Blut Aus Nord. I swear, people cling to anything "different" and claim it as revolutionary even if it's ridiculously just plain bad music.

Good call for whoever said Behemoth. If I want to listen to Behemoth, I'll go buy Blessed are the Sick or listen to Black Seeds of Vengeance.

Good call on Mastodon. Simply not that good.
J. said:
Good call on Blut Aus Nord. I swear, people cling to anything "different" and claim it as revolutionary even if it's ridiculously just plain bad music.

They do, but in this case the praise is well-founded. What's bad about it, exactly?
Lykathea said:
Graveland's Thousand Swords. Annoying vocals, annoying production, and boring riffs. What is so special about this?

Yes! But I tend to carry this thought over to everything Graveland has ever released. I'll take Fullmoon or Ohtar, thanks.
Lykathea said:
Graveland's Thousand Swords. Annoying vocals, annoying production, and boring riffs. What is so special about this?

It takes a while to click because it's so unconventional, and the production doesn't add to its accessibility in the slightest (though the guitar sound couldn't be more fitting), but it's a stunning album, rousing and melancholy, abrasive and reflective, it's a progressive tale of Pagan war, pride, passion and tradition. Try approaching it as 'blackened folk' rather than 'folkish black', like somebody suggested recently on this board.