Name some albums/bands you can't stand but get endless praise.

oh cool i hate everything

orphaned land
mercyful fate
cannibal corpse
rotting christ
napalm death
lamb of god
aryan terrorism
pain of salvation
vital remains
edge of sanity
green carnation
dream theater
symphony x
lykathea aflame
destroyer 666

Fuck dude, do you like anything? :err:
Nightwish :Puke:

Edguy (or however the fuck you spell it)

And all late Helloween clones, none excused, the style sucks rotten dick!!
Demiurge said:
Really, he is. I've never seen such a hipster doofus in my life. The guy is a total attention whore who makes it a point to go against the grain(whatever it may be, it varies depending on the cirumstance) at every possible opportunity. More than that, he makes it a point to make sure every last soul knows about his contrivance. This includes interviews and whenever else we become privy to the inner workings of his mind. Maybe if he keeps it up he can prove to me that he has no allegiance to any scene and he's an individual.

.....Garm says fuck you!

Blut Aus Nord gets frequent praise here, and though I do enjoy some of their older stuff, I thought their latest album really sucked some gigantic, mammoth nuts.

Ildjarn gets praise on sites like and some other fanboys I've seen, but the guy's ambient music puts me to sleep, and his bedroom black metal is just downright annoying.

And then, of course, there's the goth & hardcore-kids metal... stuff that you listen to because it makes you look "cool". Bands like Cradle of Filth, Children of Bodom, Hatebreed, newer Dimmu Borgir, AFI, and all kinds of other shit can fit in that catergory. Kill 'em all. :yuk:
I'll echo Blut Aus Nord, although I'll limit my dislike towards "The Work Which Transforms God". They have released some excellent albums, "Memoria Vetusta I" in particullar. But I think the quasi-intellectual factor in "The Work..." Just becomes overwhelming, and overshadows the rest of the albums good sides.

Some of the classic metal bands also gets more praise than I think they deserve. Black Sabbath, Venom and Judas Priest in particullar. But then again, it's hard to say that they're overrated, taking all the infuence they've had into consideration. But I'll say this: Everything they've done, someone else have done better, only later.

Ildjarn, damnit! Man, this is just SOOOOO freakishly bad. The riffs are so uninspired and boring, and the production is as horrible as production gets. I really can't find ONE positive aspect in his music.
BikerMiceFromMars said:

Ehrm, yeah. When thinking about it, it wasn't entirely appropriate to put them and Necrophobic in my list - they don't really get "endless praise" in metal circles in general, but they're always being praised by every single so-called "metal elitist" in the world, almost. They're decent, but not the OMG BEST BAND EVER band that some people claim they are.
I'm tired of hearing Nokturnal Mortum get praised, they really aren't doing anything that interesting or original, and they're not even that good at what they do. Pluse they have some of the most awful lyrics I've ever read.

Im sick of Beheirt worship, though everyone seems to think they create an "overwhemlingly dark atmosphere" to me it raises images of Cookie Monster getting stuck in a washer machine.
Like others have Mayhem is painfully overated. Yeah yeah influence blah blah blah. Musically they have thier moments, but not nearly enough to get the praise they recieve. Ok thats enough negativity for the moment...